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Fun Trivia
  Thieves, Liars and Hypocrites   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
It may come as a surprise but not everyone is honest. This quiz looks at some egregious rogues from history. The quiz is a response from a challenge by reeshy
Average, 10 Qns, LillianRock, Apr 27 14
837 plays
  A Different Kettle of Fish    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
There are many individuals who have left the world a better place by acting above and beyond the call of duty. Here are ten of them.
Average, 10 Qns, nmerr, Oct 18 16
nmerr gold member
481 plays
  Brothers in Arms   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here are ten questions on some well known military commanders. In this quiz I'm going to test your knowledge a little more though by not asking about what they are most famous for!
Average, 10 Qns, The_Cyclist, Oct 25 16
316 plays
  Shut Up, Shut-In!   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Innocent or guilty, they Were silenced behind prison walls- Locked away for many a weary day Where no ray of freedom falls! Prisons have often been used to stop dissenting voices .How many can you release?
Average, 10 Qns, balaton, Nov 24 14
348 plays
  Dreaming of Tomorrow   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Not giving up on their dreams of tomorrow, these folks achieved greatness. Can you guess who they are?
Average, 10 Qns, arthurdent001, Jan 28 16
478 plays
  Oh No! There's Germs on the GermX Bottle!   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Worried about germs? Have to have everything lined up in exact order on your desk? You're not alone. Here are some famous people who all suffer from some form of phobia or obsession.
Average, 10 Qns, Christinap, Jul 12 11
744 plays
  Pioneers of Egyptology   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Highlighting some of their most significant contributions, learn about ten of the men who opened the door on a fascinating ancient world.
Tough, 10 Qns, sterretjie101, Mar 08 22
Mar 08 22
553 plays
  You Can Trust Me   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
These people betrayed their trust ...
Average, 10 Qns, Rehaberpro, Jan 10 21
Jan 10 21
543 plays
  Famous and Infamous Patients 2   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The long-awaited sequel! How does the health of the famous and infamous ultimately affect us and our history? We can only speculate.
Difficult, 10 Qns, MotherGoose, Mar 04 11
MotherGoose editor
1820 plays
  The Birth of Any Nation   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The birth of any nation usually involves a charismatic leader. Here's a quiz about some figures known as "the Founder of the Nation" or another similar honorific.
Average, 10 Qns, shvdotr, Jan 19 14
shvdotr gold member
657 plays
  Meat's Neat    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Ten questions about people who somehow have food for either a first name or a last name - or nickname. Can you tell me who they are?
Average, 10 Qns, Shadowmyst2004, Jun 26 18
Shadowmyst2004 gold member
Jun 26 18
660 plays
  Sheer Naughtiness    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
We all like a little bit of scandal. Here are some that have entertained us over the years.
Average, 10 Qns, StarStruck60, Feb 26 14
780 plays
  Real Castaways   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Being a castaway on a deserted island or a remote frontier is not just fiction. There are real people who have spent long periods of time alone after being castaway. This is a quiz about some of these fascinating people and their stories.
Average, 10 Qns, dcpddc478, Jan 25 10
695 plays
  GLB: Gays, Lesbians, and Bi-Sexuals    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Research results vary on the percentage of population who identify themselves as gay, lesbian, or bisexual. Here are ten that have made a contribution to politics, the arts, and entertainment.
Average, 10 Qns, Rehaberpro, Apr 27 14
595 plays
  O Captain, My Captain   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Every person in this quiz has the rank (or has been addressed as) Captain. Let's see how many you can identify.
Difficult, 10 Qns, Cymruambyth, Jul 24 10
Cymruambyth gold member
1072 plays
  Stalking Heads    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
According to a 2006 San Diego State University study, almost 15% of males and over 30% of females will be a victim of stalking at some point, but it is usually only high profile victims that make the news.
Average, 10 Qns, 480154st, Apr 26 18
480154st gold member
205 plays
  Fashionably Late   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
These arbiters of fashion may have passed on, but their legacy remains.
Average, 10 Qns, dellastreet, Jun 05 16
dellastreet gold member
281 plays
  Famous Military Brats    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Growing up as a Military Brat can be difficult. Identify these ten people who survived the experience and became successful in their chosen fields. Hope you enjoy this quiz. If so, check out my other quizzes online.
Tough, 10 Qns, EnglishJedi, Dec 09 08
EnglishJedi gold member
583 plays
  Accomplishments by Twins    
Match Quiz
 15 Qns
See if you can identify the set of twins and their accomplishments in various fields of sport, music, politics, arts, aviation, literature and other fields of note.
Average, 15 Qns, zambesi, Oct 23 16
339 plays
  Killer Celebrities   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"Killer" not in the good sense, but celebrities who actually have killed someone. It's not as small a group as you might think.
Average, 10 Qns, wilbill, May 27 12
1464 plays
  Child Prodigies 1   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Talent comes to some at a young age. Others never find theirs. Here are some very talented children.
Average, 10 Qns, Rehaberpro, Jan 19 11
574 plays
  My Husband and I ...   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I hereby present for your edification a quiz about the husbands of well known (or not so well known) people.
Average, 10 Qns, DaveH1960, Oct 04 18
Oct 04 18
890 plays
  Mustachioed Men    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Match the man with the mustache but keep in mind that some types may overlap.
Average, 10 Qns, nyirene330, Jul 01 15
381 plays
  I Will Wait    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The word assassin usually indicates one who lies in wait or entraps a political or other adversary. These nine potential assassins did not succeed. In some cases, another one lay in wait.
Average, 10 Qns, alexis722, Mar 03 13
416 plays
  History's Heroes 2    
Multiple Choice
 5 Qns
More heroes from history to identify. These people were explorers.
Average, 5 Qns, smiff, Jul 14 09
6578 plays
  Boys of Silence   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Throughout history many successful people have been deaf or hard of hearing. See if you can identify these 'Boys of Silence'.
Tough, 10 Qns, Helene61, Sep 28 17
306 plays
  A Prayer but no Wing   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Like some other pilots I know, I used to have occasional nightmares of falling to Earth without a functioning wing or parachute. A number of people have actually done just that and lived to tell the tale.
Average, 10 Qns, windrush, Dec 24 17
windrush gold member
551 plays
  Let The Best Man In!   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Knock knock! Hi there, I used to be a composer, but now I'm decomposing. See if you can figure out who is the best man to fit the worst verse and let him in. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, alexis722, Jul 04 13
355 plays
  We'll Never Be Royals    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Some are born into it, some marry into it and some just "wannabe" royal!
Average, 10 Qns, sally0malley, Sep 28 21
sally0malley gold member
Sep 28 21
739 plays
  Do the Crime, Do the Time?   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A mixture of the famous and the perhaps infamous and their encounters with "The Law".
Tough, 10 Qns, cazza2902, May 04 10
542 plays
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Other People Trivia Questions

61. Like Jacqueline Kennedy, Mary Todd Lincoln had the misfortune of sitting next to her husband at the time that he was assassinated. What happened to Mary?

From Quiz

Answer: Placed in an asylum

Poor Mary had plenty of problems - both before and after the death of her husband. Three of her children died young; her one surviving son, Robert, was the driving force in her institutionalization. (While Mary was an unusual woman, it is uncertain as to whether the placement in an asylum was necessary.)

62. Montel Williams, Joan Didion and Lola Falana suffer from this.

From Quiz Random Diseases of Famous People

Answer: Multiple Sclerosis

This disease is marked by loss or destruction of the protective myelin covering of the nerve fibers of the brain and spinal cord.

63. George III (1738-1820), King of England, was known to be "mad" and delusional. Do you know what disease he actually suffered from?

From Quiz Mental Illness in History

Answer: porphyria

George III, the third Hanoverian monarch and the first born in England, was the father of fifteen children. His mental illness exhibited itself early on in his reign, which began in 1760. One day in 1788, he attacked his oldest son, trying to smash his head against a wall. According to witnesses, during this episode George was foaming at the mouth and his eyes were bloodshot. The king was placed in a straight-jacket and eventually a special iron chair designed for restraint. Records show that he suffered periods of intense gloom broken by spells of cheerfulness, which sound a lot like what would be called bipolar disorder today. It is thought that George suffered from porphyria, a rare genetic disorder which interferes with the body's chemical balance; untreated, it can cause insanity. The symptoms, which include rashes, abdominal pain, and reddish blue urine, were all exhibited by him. By April 1789, George's doctors announced him "cured" of his madness; however, he continued to suffer from poor health and had further mental breakdowns in 1801 and 1804. In 1810 George's insanity became permanent, after which his son George took over his kingly duties. George III died on January 29, 1820, blind, deaf and insane at Windsor Castle.

64. This famous scientist added a lot of knowledge to the world including his discovery of the origin of color and inventing 'calculus'. Who was he?

From Quiz People Who Have Made A Difference - Part 2

Answer: Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton did most of his greatest work during a two year period from 1665 to 1667.

65. The term "Inquisition" refers here to the Spanish Inquisition, a dark chapter of European History. This man, definitely one of the most ruthless in history, was the first "Grand Inquisitor". Who was it?

From Quiz Bad Guys of History

Answer: Torquemada

Tomas de Torquemada was personally responsible for the burning of about 2,000 "heretics" at the stake. A Dominican prior, he served as the first Grand Inquisitor from 1487 to 1498, and was responsible for the torture and persecution of such "undesirables" as Moors, Jews and heretics. He is also credited with persuading Ferdinand and Isabella to drive the Jews out of Spain.

66. This legendary entertainer won 19 Oscars and created great theme parks for kids based on the characters in his movies. Who was he?

From Quiz People Who Have Made A Difference - Part 1

Answer: Walt Disney & Disney

Walt Disney was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois and died on December 15, 1966.

67. King George III was known as Farmer George and also as Mad King George. Historical documents detailing his symptoms clearly indicate that his intermittent episodes of madness were caused by which disease?

From Quiz Famous and Infamous Patients

Answer: Porphyria

There are at least four references (over forty years of historical documents) to George's bluish urine. This is a classic symptom of porphyria, a condition in which porphyrins (naturally occurring purple pigmented chemicals) are excreted in the urine. The significance of this symptom was not recognised at the time. George also had the other classic symptoms of porphyria-- mental disturbance, neuritis of the limbs and abdominal symptoms.

68. 'Fate sent you here. Fate sends you now to Strelsau.' These lines are spoken to persuade a man to impersonate a king in what literary classic?

From Quiz Impersonations and Impostors

Answer: Prisoner of Zenda

Anthony Hope's classic novel tells of how news of a kidnapping of a king is concealed by the impersonation of a distant relative. (Stewart Granger in the 1952 movie version.)

69. 'Bar doosh be doosh be doosh ... 1936 ... be doosh ... Shhpanish leader ...'

From Quiz The Swedish Chef's Historical Figures

Answer: Franco

Franco ruled Spain until the 70's. In the later years of his life, Spain was described as a country waiting for the death of one man. If countries were ruled by amusing regional puppets, the world would be a safer place.

70. F.D.R. suffered from polio, but still led the U.S. When did he contract the disease?

From Quiz They Overcame Hardship

Answer: Before becoming president

He contracted the disease well before he became president.

71. Who is associated with the 'Spruce Goose'?

From Quiz Things With Which They're Associated

Answer: Howard Hughes

It was an experimental plane flown by Hughes.

72. A Venetian traveller and writer born in 1254. He travelled to China with his father and uncle where he served the emperor Kublai Khan. Who was he?

From Quiz History's Heroes 2

Answer: Marco Polo

He wrote an account of his travels while in prison (1296-1298).

73. Everyone has heard of Lizzie Borden. What happened to her?

From Quiz Strange, Strange People

Answer: She was tried and acquitted

Insufficient evidence!

74. This scientist is given credit for the idea that the earth revolves around the sun.

From Quiz Great Minds Through History

Answer: Copernicus

The so-called 'heliocentric theory' has the sun, rather than the earth, at the center. A huge step forward for science.

75. Which French poet founded the symbolist school with Verlaine?

From Quiz Random People of History

Answer: Mallarme

76. What dynasty was founded by Ismail I, Shah of Persia, in 1501?

From Quiz People of History

Answer: Safavid

77. Who conquered the Mariana Trench in 1960 with a Bathyscape called Trieste?

From Quiz Strange People

Answer: Piccard

The term 'bathyscape' was coined in the 1940s from the Greek 'bathus' + 'shkaphos', or 'deep ship'.

78. This Hungarian pianist and composer was one of Europe's first great celebrities. Women swooned at his performances and fought over the white gloves he tossed into the audience at the end of his performances.

From Quiz Notables of the 19th Century

Answer: Franz Liszt

Liszt 1811-1886 consorted with royalty and was at the heart of the Romantic musical movement of the 19th century. Zoltan Kodaly, also Hungarian, was born in 1882 and wrote mostly in the 20th Century. Bedrich Smetena lived entirely in the 19th century (1824-1884)but was a Czech. Antonin Dvorak (pronounced d-vor-jak with a soft j)1841-1904 was also Czech and lived into the 20th century.

79. Which intriguingly named device was linked with Roger Bacon and used to enhance his reputation as a wizard?

From Quiz Let's Talk About Hex

Answer: Brazen Head

Roger Bacon is regarded as an influential philosopher from medieval times. The 'brazen head' he is reputed to have owned was described as an automaton which could answer questions put to it. This was a common belonging associated with several alchemists of the time. He was educated at Oxford and lectured at the University of Paris for a number of years, in a variety of disciplines, including Latin grammar, Aristotelian logic, arithmetic, geometry, and the mathematical aspects of astronomy and music. His colleagues included the future Pope John XXI. Pope Clement IV became a patron of Bacon, and in 1267 or 1268, Bacon sent the Pope his Opus Majus, a proposal to reform the university curriculum of the day, and the introduction of new subjects including astronomy, alchemy, agriculture and medicine amongst others. Other works produced by Bacon and sent to the Pope include his Opus Minus, De Multiplicatione Specierum, and De Speculis Comburentibus. It is estimated he composed referenced works of around a million words in about a year, an impressive achievement. The Philosopher's Stone is commonly associated with alchemists, with it seen as the culmination of a life's work.

80. Harrison Okene was very wet for sixty hours in 2013. What happened to him?

From Quiz Why Are You So Wet?

Answer: He was trapped 100 ft underwater off the Nigerian coast

Harrison, the 29 year old cook on the Nigerian Jacson-4 tugboat, was in the toilet below decks when heavy swells overturned the vessel. He became trapped in an air bubble which formed at the bottom (now the top) of the overturned boat. After Harrison had spent nearly 60 hours in total darkness, and at depths that most people could not survive for more than an hour, a salvage crew arrived with divers to assess the wreckage, and try to recover the bodies. After knocking on the hull to test its soundness, the divers were shocked to hear an answering series of knocks from inside. One of the divers made his way inside, where he found Harrison trapped in a 4ft cube of air. Knowing that he would have absorbed deadly quantities of nitrogen, the rescue team equipped him with SCUBA gear, led him to a diving bell, and he spent the next two days in a decompression chamber. Apparently a few recreational divers reach depths of 100 feet or more, but generally for periods of no more than 20 minutes at a time.

81. Margaret Mary Ray, a stalker suffering from Intimacy Seeking behaviour, also known as erotomania, was arrested eight times for her activities involving which chat show host, before she turned her attentions to astronaut Story Musgrave?

From Quiz Stalking Heads

Answer: David Letterman

Ray broke into Letterman's house several times, stole his car and claimed to be his wife but Letterman was reluctant to press charges originally due to her illness though he finally did in an attempt to stop her and she served almost three years in jail and psychiatric hospitals. On her release, she began stalking Musgrave and served more jail time for trespassing on his property.

82. Which hero took a ten year voyage to return to his wife after fighting in the Trojan War?

From Quiz Buds, Duds, and Studs

Answer: Odysseus

Odysseus was the Greek king of Ithaca. He was married to Penelope. He left to fight in the Trojan War, and it took another 10 years to return home after many trials. Upon returning home in disguise, he found multiple suitors pursuing his wife, who believed Odysseus was dead. Penelope designed a nearly impossible test of archery skill for her suitors. Only Odysseus, still in disguise, passed the test. He then revealed himself, and killed the suitors.

83. Although he died abroad in poverty, this dandy was for many years the arbiter of English fashion. Which long-term friend of the Prince Regent is credited with the introduction of the modern men's suit worn with a tie?

From Quiz Fashionably Late

Answer: Beau Brummell

George Bryan "Beau" Brummell's career as a fashion icon began when he was a schoolboy at Eton, where he was noted for his fastidious neatness. An early advocate of "less is more" and of scrupulous cleanliness, Brummell was eventually forced to leave England to escape his creditors and died insane in Caen, France in 1840.

84. T Bone Burnett is best known for being a musician and record producer. T Bone is a nickname though, what is his given first name?

From Quiz Meat's Neat

Answer: Joseph

His given name is Joseph Henry Burnett. He was born January 14, 1948. He has won or been nominated for nearly every award a musician could want, including an Oscar, the BAFTAs, Grammy Awards and the Golden Globes. His song "The Weary Kind" from the film "Crazy Heart" is what won him and his co-writer Ryan Bingham their first Academy Award.

85. Famous for her sensual beauty and an alleged affair with John F. Kennedy, who is the blonde with the beauty mark on one cheek?

From Quiz Flamboyant Floozies

Answer: Marilyn Monroe & Monroe

Marilyn Monroe's fame arguably surpasses that of any other movie star. People have widely varying opinions of her talent and intellect, but few dispute her beauty and sex appeal. Tragic though her life was, it had all the elements of a story that will fascinate the public for generations to come.

86. France: By what title is the wife of a Duc known?

From Quiz Splitting Heirs

Answer: Duchesse

This title comes from the Latin verb "duco, ducere", "to lead." The title of Duke is found in various forms in most countries' nobility. In northern Italy some of the major city states had "doges", which is etymologically related to 'duke', but they were in fact the heads of state. The best known examples are the doges of Venice and Genoa.

87. While working for Standard Oil Company, this man fell asleep in one of the oil tanks he had been assigned to clean, and dreamed about his tomorrow. Who would later have his breakthrough role in "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid"?

From Quiz Dreaming of Tomorrow

Answer: Robert Redford

Robert Redford had his first major big screen role in 1965's "Inside Daisy Clover", but it was 1969's "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" that catapulted him to fame.

88. Along with Saudi Arabian billionaire arms dealer, Adnan Khashoggi, which 1980's "power couple" were tried by a Federal grand jury for charges of embezzlement and racketeering in 1988?

From Quiz Terrible Twos

Answer: Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos

The charges against Imelda and Ferdinand Marcos alleged they misappropriated funds from the Philippine treasury to the tune of $200 million and purchased NYC real estate. Khashoggi was charged with aiding the couple in concealing their ownership of the properties. The Philippine government obtained a Federal court order forbidding the transfer/sale of the properties and the prosecution contended Khashoggi backdated documents in order to show that he had ownership before the court order was issued. Imelda Marcos and Khashoggi were acquitted (Ferdinand Marcos, who was not present during the trial because of his failing health, died in 1989).

89. This American inventor became deaf after a childhood bout with scarlet fever.

From Quiz Boys of Silence

Answer: Thomas A. Edison

Thomas Edison (1847-1931) or 'The Wizard Of Menlo Park" circulated many stories about losing his hearing. One was that he had been made deaf after getting his ears boxed and another that he had a brain tumor, both of which were untrue. Actually his hearing loss was due to a childhood bout of scarlet fever. He often said he didn't mind being deaf because people talked nonsense anyway.

90. He may have "reigned" on the soccer field but what "royal" faux pas was David Beckham guilty of at the Royal Wedding?

From Quiz We'll Never Be Royals

Answer: He wore hs OBE medal on the wrong lapel.

Beckham was awarded the OBE (Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, a grade within the British order of chivalry) on Nov. 27, 2003, from Queen Elizabeth II at London's Buckingham Palace. Royal protocol dictates the medal to be worn on the left lapel and he wore it on the right.

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Last Updated Mar 22 2025 5:44 AM
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