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Better Call Saul  Season 4 Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
Better Call Saul  Season 4 Quizzes, Trivia

Better Call Saul - Season 4 Trivia

Better Call Saul - Season 4 Trivia Quizzes

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14 quizzes and 140 trivia questions.
Jimmy McGill (Bob Odenkirk) was the star of the show, but he had plenty of help. Match these supporting characters from season four of "Better Call Saul" with the description provided.
Average, 10 Qns, PDAZ, Oct 14 18
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Oct 14 18
172 plays
  "Better Call Saul": 4.10 "Winner"   great trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
Jimmy worked through Kim's plan to make him look sincere in the eyes of the reinstatement committee, while Mike had to track down Werner while dealing with a new obstacle, Lalo.
Average, 10 Qns, PDAZ, Oct 16 18
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Oct 16 18
158 plays
  "Better Call Saul": 4.8 "Coushatta"   top quiz  
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 10 Qns
Kim and Jimmy collaborated on a plan to save Huell from prison, Mike took the Germans on an "R and R" outing, and Nacho had to deal with another Salamanca.
Average, 10 Qns, PDAZ, Oct 06 18
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Oct 06 18
156 plays
  "Better Call Saul": 4.9 "Wiedersehen"   great trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
An episode of setbacks: Jimmy and Kim's improving relationship took a turn for the worse, as did Jimmy's quest to regain his law license, and Mike had a new challenge with the Germans.
Average, 10 Qns, PDAZ, Oct 12 18
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Oct 12 18
159 plays
  "Better Call Saul": 4.4 "Talk"   top quiz  
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Jimmy, Kim, Nacho, and Mike all had significant screen time in this episode, and yes, there was a lot of talking, particularly for Mike who lectured a Madrigal employee, a therapy group, and even Gus.
Average, 10 Qns, PDAZ, Sep 05 18
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Sep 05 18
148 plays
  "Better Call Saul": 4.7 "Something Stupid"   popular trivia quiz  
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As Kim returned to work at a law firm, Jimmy set up his cell phone business on a street corner. But it wasn't long before he needed Kim's help with a legal issue.
Average, 10 Qns, PDAZ, Sep 25 18
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Sep 25 18
158 plays
  "Better Call Saul": 4.3 "Something Beautiful"   popular trivia quiz  
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Jimmy put his job hunt on hold to pursue a bit of thievery, Kim was back working with Mesa Verde, and things kept getting worse for Nacho.
Average, 10 Qns, PDAZ, Aug 29 18
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Aug 29 18
162 plays
  "Better Call Saul": 4.1 "Smoke"   popular trivia quiz  
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"Smoke" dealt with the aftermath of season three's "Lantern". In this episode, two people were taken to the hospital, and Jimmy and Mike entered new phases of their lives.
Average, 10 Qns, PDAZ, Aug 16 18
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Aug 16 18
152 plays
  "Better Call Saul": 4.5 "Quite a Ride"    
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Jimmy peddled his wares to the criminal element, Mike carried out a significant task for Gus, Kim wavered on her commitment to Mesa Verde, and Howard looked to be on the verge of a breakdown.
Average, 10 Qns, PDAZ, Sep 14 18
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Sep 14 18
143 plays
  "Better Call Saul": 4.2 "Breathe"   popular trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
A busy episode: Jimmy looked for a job, Chuck's will was revealed, Gus continued to move against Hector, Nacho was almost beginning to breathe, and in the end, someone took their last breath.
Average, 10 Qns, PDAZ, Aug 16 18
PDAZ gold member
Aug 16 18
150 plays
trivia question Quick Question
In the last episode, Werner had told Mike that his (Werner's) men needed some rest and relaxation. Where did Mike take the men?

From Quiz ""Better Call Saul": 4.8 "Coushatta""

  "Better Call Saul": 4.6 "Piñata"   popular trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
Jimmy and Kim's future plans diverged with Kim taking the less adventurous route and Jimmy establishing his street creds. Meanwhile, Mike was on his way to establishing himself as Gus's right-hand man.
Average, 10 Qns, PDAZ, Sep 18 18
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Sep 18 18
166 plays
  "Better Call Saul": Who Said What in Season 4?   popular trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
Smooth-talking Jimmy McGill had most of the best quotes in season four, so he gets his own quiz. In this quiz, we'll revisit the quotes made by other characters during the fourth season of "Better Call Saul".
Average, 10 Qns, PDAZ, Oct 21 18
PDAZ gold member
Oct 21 18
164 plays
  "Breaking Bad" Easter Eggs - Season 4   popular trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
The creators of "Better Call Saul" included quite a few Easter eggs in the show during season four. Did you catch these items that link back to people, places and things found in "Breaking Bad"? Warning - spoilers for both series!
Average, 10 Qns, PDAZ, Jul 28 19
PDAZ gold member
Jul 28 19
140 plays
  "Better Call Saul": The Best of Jimmy, Season 4    
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 10 Qns
An entire quiz devoted to the wisdom and wisecracks of Jimmy McGill! What do you remember about these quotes from the fourth season of "Better Call Saul"?
Average, 10 Qns, PDAZ, Oct 16 18
PDAZ gold member
Oct 16 18
157 plays

Better Call Saul - Season 4 Trivia Questions

1. In the first episode of the season, "Smoke", who asked: "Does Bruce Lee have a gun? Because if he doesn't, it's Ali in three minutes or less"?

From Quiz
"Better Call Saul": Who Said What in Season 4?

Answer: Mike

Mike had decided to earn his laundered money by actually working as a security consultant at Madrigal. While getting a cup of coffee in the break room at the facility, he listened to two employees debate whether Bruce Lee would beat Muhammad Ali in a street fight, with one stating: "I don't care how fast you are, if Muhammad Ali hits you, you're going down, that's a fact". The other guy believed that Bruce Lee had the moves and would be too fast for Ali. Mike had walked away and was reading some memos on a wall but still listening to the debate. When the Bruce Lee fan claimed that Lee could fake Ali out with his moves and sweep him to the ground, Mike rolled his eyes and asked the above question.

2. In the flashback at the beginning of the episode, who vouched for Jimmy at his bar admission ceremony?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": 4.10 "Winner"

Answer: Chuck

It was his brother Chuck who stood up for him at the ceremony: "Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm Charles McGill, Senior Partner at Hamlin Hamlin McGill. I stand before you to vouch for my brother, James Morgan McGill". Jimmy took a quick look back at Kim, who was sitting in the audience with a big smile on her face, and she gave him two thumbs up. It seemed surprising that Chuck would so pleasantly vouch for Jimmy given his lack of respect for Jimmy's correspondence school degree and his general impression that Jimmy with a law license was like "a chimp with a machine gun". In a flashback in season one, we saw Jimmy in the mail room with cake, celebrating his achievement; that scene likely took place a day or so after the ceremony, and during that scene, Howard had informed Jimmy that he wouldn't be employed as a lawyer at HHM. We now know that it wasn't Howard but Chuck who put the kibosh on Jimmy working as a lawyer at the firm, so Chuck must have had that on his mind when he vouched for Jimmy at the ceremony. Most likely he did it because it was expected of him; it would have reflected poorly on him if he hadn't supported his brother.

3. After Chuck's funeral, whom did Jimmy cruelly tell, "I guess that's your cross to bear" in the first episode of the season, "Smoke"?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": The Best of Jimmy, Season 4

Answer: Howard

Following Chuck's funeral, Howard was waiting for Kim and Jimmy when they arrived back at their apartment. He wanted to discuss "the truth about Chuck", telling them that he didn't believe that Chuck's death was an accident. Kim thought that if this were true, it might have been Chuck's breakdown at the bar hearing that triggered his decision to kill himself, but Howard disagreed. He said that Chuck's mental state had actually improved following the hearing. Howard believed it was his fault that Chuck had killed himself; he had forced Chuck out of the firm following the disagreement over the malpractice insurance increase. Howard was distraught, but Jimmy wasn't supportive: "Well, Howard, I guess that's your cross to bear". Both Howard and Kim looked shocked after Jimmy's statement, but for Jimmy, it seemed to be cathartic. He got up, cheerfully fed the fish, and whistled while he made coffee.

4. At the beginning of the episode, Kim and Jimmy pulled a scam with Kim on crutches and Jimmy pretending to be her slacker brother. What did the scam involve?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": 4.9 "Wiedersehen"

Answer: Switching building plans for a bank branch

In the "Coushatta" episode, Mesa Verde CEO Kevin had told Kim that he really wanted to change the building design for the Lubbock branch to match the Tucumcari branch, but Kim had told him it was too late in the process to do so. But Kim had apparently decided to give it a try through unofficial means. Kim told the clerk at the Lubbock Department of Building Safety that she thought she had filed the wrong building plans, but when they compared the copy Kim had brought to the one that had been filed, the plans were the same. Kim was chatting with the clerk, and during the conversation, she mentioned that she had an eight-month-old baby and was on her own, with the help of her slacker brother Phil (played by Jimmy). While the official plans were open on the desk, they were damaged when Phil left a leaking bag of breast milk on top of them. Since the plans were the same, the clerk said she'd just use the copy that Kim had brought, but Kim actually had two sets of plans in her blueprint tube, and she pulled out the new plans that Mesa Verde had wanted. The clerk stamped them as official, and the scam was complete.

5. At the beginning of the episode, we saw Kim dropping Jimmy off at a bus station. Where was he headed?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": 4.8 "Coushatta"

Answer: Louisiana

Jimmy said he'd be back on Thursday, "unless we break down in Amarillo", and Kim rather curtly said "see you Thursday". The bus he was initially on was headed to Houston, but it later said "Shreveport", or maybe he switched buses in Houston - he was sitting in a different seat so perhaps. A man asked to sit in the seat next to him, but Jimmy wasn't looking for a seatmate, so he discouraged him: "Sure, man, uh - word of warning, I had a pile of cheese chili fries back at Stuckey's with onions on top - the last guy who sat here didn't last five miles, but welcome to it". The man took another seat. The final bus we saw him on had a "Lafayette" sign, and he got off the bus in Coushatta, Louisiana. Incidentally, the "Better Call Saul" film crew never left New Mexico for this segment; all of those Louisiana swamp trees were digitally added.

6. The opening montage sequence took place over a period of several months. To the sound of "Something Stupid", what did we see occur during that time?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": 4.7 "Something Stupid"

Answer: The increasing separation between Jimmy and Kim

The montage featured a split screen, and we initially saw Jimmy and Kim doing their morning routine together with Jimmy putting toothpaste on Kim's toothbrush. They ate dinner together in the beginning with Jimmy reaching across the split screen to pour wine in Kim's glass. But as the montage progressed, they were increasingly apart. Kim moved into her office at the law firm, while Jimmy sold burner phones out of a van. Kim got her nameplate on her office door, and Jimmy got a box of business cards: "Need to Call? Buy from Saul!" They ate dinner separately and seemed to be on different time schedules. The somber ending: Kim got into bed facing away from Jimmy, and the light faded to black on her half of the screen while Jimmy stared quietly away. The version of "Something Stupid" played during the montage was by the Israeli pop band Lola Marsh and was specifically commissioned for the show according to editor Skip MacDonald; the best known version of the song recorded by Frank and Nancy Sinatra was too short for the montage.

7. The episode began with a flashback to 1993 when Jimmy and Kim were still working in the mailroom at HHM. Besides delivering mail, what was Jimmy collecting from other employees?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": 4.6 "Piñata"

Answer: Oscar pool picks

Jimmy asked one of the employees, "Are you sure about these? The pool's up to 200". One of the other employees had submitted "Howard's End" for her picks, telling Jimmy that she loved Emma Thompson: "She's so pragmatic". As he made his rounds, Jimmy ran into Kim; she also was collecting for his Oscar pool and handed over the employees' picks and money. But the difference in work ethic between the two showed: When Jimmy said he was heading to the third floor, Kim told him she'd already been there. He told her that she was making the rest of them look bad, to which she pointed out that if he didn't stop to chat at every cubical, he'd get things done quicker. Jimmy replied, "It's called being friendly - it's great for morale". "It is great for wasting time," Kim retorted. "That too," Jimmy agreed. Episode writer Gennifer Hutchison admitted to being a huge fan of Emma Thompson which is why the actress snagged a mention in the episode.

8. The opening scene of the episode was a fast-forward to the end of Saul Goodman's career, as we saw him frantically packing up to leave Albuquerque. Who else was with him in his office?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": 4.5 "Quite a Ride"

Answer: Francesca

This scene was a treat for "Breaking Bad" fans. It wasn't from the "Breaking Bad" series; it was filmed in 2018 using the original set of Saul's office. Series co-creator Vince Gilligan pointed out that the scene was even shot on film like "Breaking Bad" ("Better Call Saul" was shot on digital). In the scene, Francesca, Jimmy and Kim's formerly chipper receptionist, was shredding documents as Saul prepared to call the "disappearer", as the episode's writer Ann Cherkis called the man whom "Breaking Bad" fans knew as the vacuum cleaner repairman. According to Cherkis, the business card that Saul gave to Francesca was for the disappearer, but when he handed it to her, he told her "Tell 'em Jimmy sent ya", not Saul, which made fans on social media think that it might have been Howard Hamlin's card. Jimmy also made sure that Francesca would be somewhere at "November 12th at 3 PM"; we didn't find out where, only that she would be expecting a phone call: "I'll be there but if it doesn't ring at three on the dot, I'm gone". Francesca then blew off Jimmy's offer of a hug and left, carrying the bags of shredded documents along with a couple rolls of cash. My favorite part of this scene was at the end when Jimmy was calling the vacuum cleaner repairman. The camera angle was from behind him, from inside the hole in the wall, and the view across his office showed a glass block window, like the glass blocks at the Wexler McGill office. It was a bittersweet reminder of what he once had and where he ended up.

9. The episode began with a nighttime visit to the Westward Ho Motel. What did we later find out about this location?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": 4.4 "Talk"

Answer: It was the headquarters for a rival drug gang.

We saw a car drive up to the derelict motel, and a man headed inside with a gym bag. He handed over a white brick of product, possibly the Salamanca product which was supposed to have been stolen during the alleged attack on Arturo and Nacho. When the man returned to his car, we saw Victor was the driver, so this operation was apparently staged by Gus. We later found out from Nacho's recap to Gus that this was the headquarters of the Espinoza gang.

10. At the beginning of the episode, how did Gus Fring's men dispose of Arturo's body?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": 4.3 "Something Beautiful"

Answer: Staged an ambush on a deserted road

Victor staged Arturo's car to look as if it had been attacked, and then Tyrus drove slowly down the road towards it, dropping pieces of taillight and spent cartridges along the way. When Tyrus reached the scene, he and Victor shot up Arturo's car with Arturo in it. When it looked sufficiently authentic, Nacho climbed in the passenger's seat and then turned toward the back window, as if he was looking at someone. Victor shot him in the shoulder, which was apparently what Nacho was expecting since he stumbled out of the car into the desert and then asked if he could place the call. But Victor had other ideas. He shot Nacho again - this time in the side of the abdomen to make it more convincing. He then told Nacho to make the call before he passed out.

11. The episode began in Hector Salamanca's hospital room where Gus Fring's personal physician was assessing Hector's condition. Based on the physician's comments, what did Gus do to aid in Hector's recovery?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": 4.2 "Breathe"

Answer: Brought in a physician from Johns Hopkins

Gus's physician tested Hector's reflexes and reviewed his chart notes. He then met with Gus in the hospital parking lot where he relayed his findings to Gus and told him that Hector was receiving good care at the hospital. He mentioned that he might be better off at Johns Hopkins hospital or might not - it might not make a difference at all. The physician was familiar with Hector and said that he deserved what he got. Gus made it clear that his interest in Hector's condition had to do with his ultimate plans for Hector: "I decide what he deserves. No one else". Later in the episode, we saw a Johns Hopkins doctor arrive at the hospital, thanks to a "generous grant".

12. In the flash-forward at the beginning of the episode, Cinnabon manager Gene was taken to the hospital after collapsing at work. As he left the hospital, what item in the taxi cab drew his attention?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": 4.1 "Smoke"

Answer: Air freshener

The episode began with a flash-forward to Jimmy's future life as Gene Takavic, a Cinnabon manager in Omaha, Nebraska. Last season, we saw Gene collapse at work after getting a little too close to his previous life as a lawyer when he offered free legal advice to a suspect apprehended at the mall: "Don't say anything... Get a lawyer". Now we saw the paramedics taking him to a hospital, and after a battery of tests, he was released - no heart attack, just a false alarm. But he had a couple of nerve-racking experiences in the hospital. When he looked out the door of his hospital room, he saw a police officer at the nurses' station, and then as he was leaving the hospital, the clerk stopped him because she was having trouble processing his driver's license, but it turned out to be an operator-error. He finally made it to a cab and asked the driver to take him to the mall. He was beginning to finally relax when he spotted an Albuquerque Isotopes air freshener hanging from the cab's rear-view mirror. The Isotopes are a minor league baseball team in New Mexico, and later in the episode, we saw Mike watching an Isotopes game on TV. But back to Gene - after he spotted the air freshener, he caught the driver's eyes in the rear view mirror and believed that the driver was staring at him. Every time he looked at the mirror, he saw the driver's eyes on him. Gene decided to get out of the cab in a random neighborhood, but as he walked away, he noticed the cab didn't move. Now it's possible that the cab driver was from Albuquerque and knew Saul from his many ads, or maybe he was an old client of Saul's. Or maybe he was just a serial killer looking for his next victim. Or maybe it meant nothing at all. But as a reviewer in "Rolling Stone" magazine pointed out, the cabbie was played by "busy character actor" Don Harvey, an unusual choice for a meaningless part.

13. Who yelled "Hey, let's let Jimmy dig around the fire-damaged wreck where his brother died screaming" in the "Breathe" episode?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": Who Said What in Season 4?

Answer: Kim

Kim was at HHM to get Jimmy's settlement from Chuck's estate. Rebecca, Chuck's ex-wife, had received the house (or rather, what was left of it). Jimmy received a check for five thousand dollars, which as Kim told Rebecca, was "what you give when you want to cut someone from a will and not have it contested". Rebecca said that Howard had suggested that Jimmy go through the house and take anything he wanted. Howard also told Kim that Chuck had left a letter for Jimmy and had left an endowment for a youth scholarship; Howard thought that Jimmy could serve on the board. After Rebecca left, Kim lit into Howard. She was angry that he had told Jimmy about his suicide theory, pointing out that he hadn't done the same with Rebecca. She was also upset that Howard wanted Jimmy to sit on the scholarship board for "a scholarship that Chuck never in a million years would've given to Jimmy", and she dismissed his suggestion that Jimmy "pick up a keepsake or two" from Chuck's house with the above quote.

14. At the karaoke bar where the HHM staff celebrated Jimmy's bar admission, on which song did the brothers McGill duet?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": 4.10 "Winner"

Answer: ABBA's "The Winner Takes it All"

At the bar, we first saw Ernie, Jimmy's mailroom buddy; he had also been in the audience when Jimmy was presented to the bar, and he performed a very committed but painful interpretation of "Total Eclipse of the Heart". Chuck was also at the bar; apparently this was before his allergy to electricity. When Chuck started to leave, Jimmy convinced him to stay since he (Jimmy) was singing next. Jimmy started out singing the ABBA song and then dragged the initially-unwilling Chuck into singing. But after a few lines, Chuck took the microphone from Jimmy and sang the song himself. Jimmy's voice was horrible (according to actor Bob Odenkirk, "The Odenkirks have been cursed with untunable vocal cords"), but Chuck's was very melodic, not surprising since actor Michael McKean was in a band called Spinal Tap. At the end of the evening, Chuck took Jimmy home to Jimmy's sad little apartment and got him into bed. Realizing that it was too late to go home, Chuck ended up lying in bed next to him, and the two drifted off to sleep singing "The Winner Takes it All".

15. In "Breathe", the second episode of the season, where was Jimmy when he made the comment: "I could be a serial killer! I could be a guy who pees in your coffee pot! I could be both"?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": The Best of Jimmy, Season 4

Answer: Job interview

Jimmy had an amazingly successful job interview for a copier salesman, but when he was offered the job on the spot, he scorned the interviewers: "Are you out of your mind? You don't know me! I just came in off the street! You guys are like a couple of cats. I come in and waive a shiny object around you, and 'I want that'. No due diligence, no background check... I could be a serial killer! I could be the guy who pees in your coffee pot!" The two men looked dazed, especially since Jimmy had put so much effort into convincing them to hire him right then. "Suckers," he commented as he left, "I feel sorry for you."

16. Nacho and Lalo visited Hector at the retirement home where he now lived. What gift did Lalo give Hector?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": 4.9 "Wiedersehen"

Answer: A bell

The retirement home where Hector was now living in a wheelchair was the same retirement home where Jimmy had handed out his "Need a will, call McGill" Jello cups. Lalo was initially shocked to see Hector's condition, but he quickly recovered and was his charming self when he chatted with Hector. Nacho had explained to Lalo that Hector communicated by tapping his finger for yes and "Nada es no". Lalo reminded Hector about a Hotel Tulipan, which appeared to amuse Hector. Apparently, the owner used to be a college professor and had slighted Hector, so Hector burned down his hotel. Lalo told Hector that he had returned to the site to get a souvenir, and it turned out to be the bellboy bell. Lalo attached it to Hector's wheelchair, so that Hector could use it to get attention, which he immediately did by ringing it repeatedly. Lalo then told Nacho to "go get some Jello" while he talked privately with Hector "about the Chilean". We didn't hear the conversation; all we heard was Hector's bell indicating "yes" every few moments. Then as they were leaving, Lalo said with a smile on his face, "Same old Hector. Just wants to kill everybody".

17. While Jimmy was on his bus trip, what did we see him and some of the other passengers on the bus do?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": 4.8 "Coushatta"

Answer: Write cards and letters

We now knew why Kim bought all of those office supplies in the "Something Stupid" episode. To the sounds of Les McCann's jazzy "Burnin' Coal", we saw Jimmy in the midst of a letter-writing campaign while on the bus. At first, it was just Jimmy using the different pens to write letters and cards, even holding the pens/pencils differently to disguise his handwriting. By the time he was on the bus headed to Lafayette, we saw other passengers participating, with Jimmy paying them to write: "Would you like to do some postcards? It's fifty cents per". And being Jimmy, he of course knew everyone's names: "Uh, Chastity, let's see what you got. Don't use swears. I thought we talked about it. Respect". When he reached his destination, Coushatta, Louisiana, we saw him get off the bus and walk into the post office, carrying two very full bags with him.

18. During the opening montage, Kim had her cast removed and her power ponytail returned. What significant event occurred in Jimmy's life during the montage?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": 4.7 "Something Stupid"

Answer: He completed his pre-prosecution diversion program.

One of the reasons we realized that a lot of time had passed during the montage was that we saw the dates on Jimmy's pre-prosecution diversion (PPD) file. His first visit towards the beginning of the montage showed June 3, 2003; midway through the montage we saw October 13, 2003, and the last visit showed January 12, 2004. The earlier files were filed in a drawer labeled "PPD Cases - Current", but the last one was filed in "PPD Cases - 2004 Completed". Jimmy didn't immediately get his license back however; he later mentioned to Kim that it would take a month or so to get it back. Incidentally, the cast that Kim wore was a real plaster cast. Actress Rhea Seehorn had to report to the set two hours early to have the cast applied each morning, and then it would be sawed off at the end of the day. According to Seehorn, co-creator Peter Gould wanted the cast "to have the certain sheen that real plaster has". So she was very glad when the cast permanently came off!

19. In the flashback to 1993, we saw Jimmy demonstrate his first interest in becoming a lawyer, and it appeared to have more to do with Kim than Chuck. What step did he take?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": 4.6 "Piñata"

Answer: Entered the law library at HHM

In the flashback, we saw Chuck after he secured a big win for the firm in a case "that Howard thought was unwinnable using only the power of obscure case law," according to Kim. Kim told Jimmy that Chuck had won the Isaacson case, which didn't ring a bell with Jimmy even though Kim pointed out that the two of them had been putting together binders on the case for months. Jimmy retorted that he'd been busy with the Oscar pool "in case you didn't notice". When Chuck approached them, Kim gushed out her congratulations to him and then discussed the case law involved in the suit. Chuck was impressed with Kim, but when Jimmy tried to participate in the conversation, stating that the case was "Isaacson v. Chuck handing him his butt on a platter", Chuck pointed out that Isaacson was their client. After Howard took Chuck away for "a meeting with Mr. Bushmills", Jimmy dejectedly told Kim, "That'll be you soon". "Yup," said Kim, looking determined and focused. After calling out, "Last call for ballots", Jimmy pushed his cart past the law library. He then returned, opened the door and walked in.

20. Jimmy finally snagged a customer at the cell phone store with his "Privacy Sold Here" sign. Jimmy convinced a contractor that the phones would give him privacy from whom?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": 4.5 "Quite a Ride"

Answer: IRS

Jimmy was still wandering around his store, fighting boredom, when he spotted the truck slowly driving past the store. He used his magic hex fingers to bring the truck back, and it worked! Well, not really, but the driver backed up and then parked in front of the store. Jimmy quickly went into his act, talking on a disposable phone to a customer who apparently wanted ten of the phones, but Jimmy could only get him six. Jimmy then put six phones aside with a "On Hold. Do not sell" sign on them. When the contractor asked him, "Privacy from who?", Jimmy said, "C'mon, you know who", and when the contractor asked, "Like from the IRS?", Jimmy responded with a "BINGO!" Jimmy explained that if the man had a cash-based business and didn't report all of his earnings, the IRS would know because they could check his phone transactions, "and then BAM! They bring the hammer down to Chinatown". Jimmy reeled the contractor in and then told him that the all of the phones were already promised to customers "people are gobbling these up like Tic-Tacs". But apparently a deal was made, because the next thing we saw was the contractor walking out with the six phones.

21. Jimmy was awakened by a call from someone offering him a job which he initially turned down. He later called back and accepted the offer after telling Kim that he had a job. What job was it?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": 4.4 "Talk"

Answer: Mobile phone salesman

While Kim was in the shower, Robbie Finn from CC Mobile called to offer Jimmy the shift supervisor position at their uptown branch. Jimmy turned it down, stating that his plans had changed, but he later told Kim that he was starting a job that day: "You're looking at Albuquerque's newest mobile communications specialist. I'm a shift supervisor even - be very impressed". Kim appeared to be very happy for him. After Kim left, he quickly called Finn back and said, "I just can't pass up this opportunity if the position is still open".

22. After Mike turned him down, whom did Jimmy contact to find someone to steal the Hummel statue?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": 4.3 "Something Beautiful"

Answer: The Vet

Jimmy had spotted a valuable Hummel figurine in the Neff Copiers office when he went to the company for a job interview, and he knew the owner was planning to dispose of it because he had no idea that it was valuable. So Jimmy's plan was to replace the figurine with a similar Hummel figure that wasn't as valuable. The copier store owner wouldn't be the wiser, and Jimmy would be able to sell the figurine for $8k, splitting the proceeds with a thief. He approached Mike but was turned down: "The plan's fine as far as it goes, it's just not for me. And I don't think it should be for you either". As series co-creator/executive producer Peter Gould pointed out, Mike "recognizes that Jimmy's not acting rationally". Mike had asked Jimmy if he had something against the copier store owner, and when Jimmy said that he didn't, Mike apparently suspected that it had something to do with Chuck's death because he told Jimmy, "I'm sorry about your brother". Jimmy wasn't about to give up his plan though, so after his meeting with Mike, he called to schedule an appointment for his sick fish. When the Vet wasn't having luck getting a person to accept an assignment, Jimmy took the phone from him and made a successful sales pitch to get a co-conspirator.

23. While Jimmy was sitting in his car before the job interview, what did he look at in his hand that foreshadowed his future Saul Goodman self?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": 4.2 "Breathe"

Answer: Strands of his hair

Jimmy pulled into the parking lot and primped before the interview. When he ran his fingers through his hair, a couple of strands came out, and he stared at them. It was a brief moment, but the camera focused on the hair. Jimmy McGill had a full head of hair whereas the future Saul Goodman had a noticeable comb-over. Could this be a sign, like "The Picture of Dorian Gray" deteriorating over time from Gray's evil acts, that Jimmy's hair will fall out as he continues to morph into Saul?

24. How did Jimmy find out that his brother Chuck had died?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": 4.1 "Smoke"

Answer: Howard left a message on Kim's answering machine.

It was morning at Jimmy and Kim's apartment. Jimmy woke up first, fed the fish, made coffee and was circling prospective jobs in the want ads while eating cereal. His phone rang as he was bringing a cup of coffee to Kim; he saw that it was Howard so he declined the call. Then, as he was wrapping Kim's cast in plastic, her phone rang. Jimmy said to ignore it: "if it's important, they'll leave a message". The call went to her answering machine, and we heard the message: "Kim, it's Howard. I'm trying to reach Jimmy... I really need to talk to him... it's Chuck". Now we don't know if he proceeded to tell Jimmy that Chuck had died or whether Jimmy called him back and got the news, but the news came from Howard. The next scene was Jimmy and Kim speeding to Chuck's house, or rather what remained of Chuck's house; it was mostly a shell of burnt timbers. The coroner van was getting ready to leave, and Howard prevented Jimmy from going to it: "Jimmy, no". Later we saw Jimmy and Kim sitting on the bench where we once had seen Jimmy sitting with Chuck. Jimmy told Kim the backyard was filled with electrical appliances: "The firemen didn't do that. He did that. I saw him five days ago. He was listening to jazz, all the lights worked, he was himself... Something made him relapse".

25. In the "Something Beautiful" episode, to whom was the Vet speaking when he said, "You woke up. That means my Spanish is good enough, and Yul Brynner over here is actually O Negative"?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": Who Said What in Season 4?

Answer: Nacho

In order to convince the Salamanca family that Arturo had been killed during an ambush, Victor and Tyrus staged the scene and had to shoot Nacho "to make it look real". They left Nacho bleeding in the desert and told him to call for help before he passed out. The Cousins arrived and went to the Vet for help. The Vet treated Nacho offsite, and he had to use one of the Cousins for a blood transfusion for Nacho, hence the above comment. After telling Nacho that he left the bullet in the shoulder but removed the one from his abdomen, the Vet told him that he was done with working with the cartel.

26. As part of Kim's plan to make Jimmy look sincere for his license reinstatement appeal, she set up a series of events, the first of which required Jimmy to spend a day at what location?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": 4.10 "Winner"

Answer: Chuck's grave

Kim had planned a series of activities to get the word out about Jimmy's commitment to Chuck since she believed that the reinstatement committee had called him insincere because he didn't talk about Chuck. Her first activity required Jimmy to spend the day at Chuck's grave since it was the anniversary of his death. She was hoping that people would see him there and that word would get back to someone on the committee. Jimmy was standing at the grave with a bouquet of flowers talking to himself quietly, "Watermelon pickles... one thousand one, one thousand two..." to give the impression that he was talking to Chuck. Two people approached him, also bringing a bouquet for the grave. They said they had worked with Chuck on the Native Peoples Education Council. After they left, Jimmy met Kim at her car to get a bite to eat and a drink of coffee. Kim told him, "You better pace yourself though it's going to be a long day". Jimmy pointed out that they "had customers already"; he didn't think anyone would show up.

27. What was Jimmy talking about when he told the thief Ira "unless you currently have a large gold nugget traversing your colon, this is the easiest money you're ever going to make" in the "Something Beautiful" episode?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": The Best of Jimmy, Season 4

Answer: Stealing a Hummel figurine

Jimmy had noticed that there was a rare Hummel statue on a shelf at the copier store where he had a job interview. The owner was planning to throw it away, so Jimmy decided to take it, but he needed to hire a thief so he went to the Vet. When the Vet told him that his contact (Ira) wasn't interested, Jimmy wanted to talk to the man directly, The Vet told him that it didn't "work that way. No direct contact", but Jimmy was adamant. When he got on the phone, he graphically asked Ira if he excreted gold. He asked Ira how long it would take for him to pick a Yale 3-pin lock, and Ira apparently said less than eight minutes, because Jimmy responded, "Well then in eight minutes, you're going to make four grand - ten minutes if you decide to pick your nose". After Ira agreed, Jimmy left, telling the Vet, "I'm not telling you how to do your job but..."

28. Jimmy told Kim that one of the side benefits of his burner phone business was that he had ready clientele when he got his law license back. But what obstacle did he note?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": 4.9 "Wiedersehen"

Answer: His customers knew him as Saul Goodman.

Kim and Jimmy stopped at a diner on their way back to Albuquerque following their scam in Lubbock. Kim mentioned Jimmy's hearing the next day, and Jimmy pointed out that in a week, he'd be a lawyer again. He also said that he had a jump on clientele thanks to his burner phone business. "Sooner or later every last one of those idiots is gonna need an attorney. Of course they all know me as Saul Goodman". Jimmy's business cards for his phone business had listed his name as Saul Goodman, so his criminal clients wouldn't immediately make the connection with Jimmy McGill. He also pointed out that people were going to be begging for the "Huell Babineaux treatment", but Kim said, "We should only use our powers for good". Jimmy pointed out that they had just driven to Lubbock, Texas, so that her client could have a bigger building: "How is that using our powers for good?"

29. When Nacho arrived home, he opened a safe in his bedroom. What was in the plastic bag that fell out of the safe?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": 4.8 "Coushatta"

Answer: Canadian IDs for him and his father

Nacho was apparently doing well while running the Salamanca operation. He had a nice stylish house with two women waiting on him. When he arrived home, he threw them some drugs, ignoring their invitation to smoke with them and then went into the bedroom. He went into his closet, opened a safe and appeared to put money into it. While he was doing so, he knocked a plastic bag out of the safe. He picked it up, taking out two Ids from the bag. They were Manitoba identification cards for him and his father, showing an issue date of 2003. He stared at them for a while and then put them back in the safe. Incidentally, actor Michael Mando who portrays Nacho is actually Canadian, born in Quebec.

30. Jimmy conducted a tour of a possible law office for Wexler McGill, but he wasn't showing the place to Kim. Who received the tour?

From Quiz "Better Call Saul": 4.7 "Something Stupid"

Answer: Huell

Jimmy still hadn't given up on his dream of a Wexler McGill law office. He found an old house near the courthouse and wanted to show it to Kim but first he ran it by Huell. The biggest bedroom he had planned for "the partner". Jimmy asked Huell: "If you were a lawyer, this would be a great place, right?" Huell disagreed: "If I was a lawyer? Nope. Big glass high-rise, 40th floor... When I'm not on my boat". Incidentally, Jimmy mentioned getting a Keurig machine for the lunchroom, which seemed like an anachronism for 2004, but it turns out Keurig launched its office coffee makers back in the late 1990s.

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