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Humor and Satire Trivia Quizzes

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Quizzes here are about humorous offerings by a variety of authors. Quizzes on the work of a single author will be found under that author's name.
20 quizzes and 215 trivia questions.
  Books For A Laugh   great trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Feeling ill? Fed up? Depressed? Locked down? Maybe dipping into one of these comic classics will help. A good laugh may not heal whatever ails you, but it might take your mind off it a bit.
Easier, 10 Qns, stedman, Sep 27 21
stedman editor
Sep 27 21
819 plays
  On the Funny Side of the Street   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Writing a book that is entertaining and funny is one of the most difficult things to do. Here are some that definitely made the grade.
Average, 10 Qns, Christinap, Feb 08 14
2750 plays
  Great Humorists and Satirists   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is a mix of the works of many famous humorists and satirists. I hope you enjoy it!
Average, 10 Qns, Lpez, Aug 17 24
Lpez gold member
Aug 17 24
1550 plays
  May the Farce Be With You   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In this fifth in a series of official team quizzes from Comedy of Errors, we take a look at a few of that mountain of literary gems that embrace the farcical, satirical, zanily humorous and quite frankly nonsensical elements of life!
Average, 10 Qns, dsimpy, Jul 23 10
1490 plays
  Reading For Fun    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
While they may be very different from each other in many ways, this quiz is all about books that have made me laugh out loud.
Average, 10 Qns, OutlookDude, Dec 21 15
OutlookDude gold member
806 plays
  100 Facts About Pandas    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"100 Facts About Pandas" by David O'Doherty, Claudia O'Doherty and Mike Ahern is not a reputable source of panda-related information but a collection of some hilarious made-up "facts" about those adorable black-and-white bears.
Tough, 10 Qns, eburge, Oct 18 13
eburge gold member
1899 plays
  George Carlin's "Brain Droppings"   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In 1997, George Carlin (1937-2008) wrote "Brain Droppings," a New York Times bestseller and comedy classic, a compendium of his humor and satire. Take this quiz for the laughs. You'll get some! CAUTION: Contains some mildly raunchy language.
Average, 10 Qns, snediger, Feb 13 11
1307 plays
  Ignorance is Blitz    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"Ignorance is Blitz" is one of the funniest reads ever. In this quiz, it'll be your task to fill in what's missing from the quotes. A quiz where even the right answer will be wrong but still correct. I hope you'll have fun. :o )
Average, 10 Qns, borisanchovy, Feb 18 16
1176 plays
  '1066 And All That' - WC Sellar & RJ Yeatman    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
'1066 And All That' is a comedy classic, highlighting most English people's confusion about their country's past. The authors happily muddle facts, characters and myth to help give a really authentic idea of 'memorable' history.
Tough, 10 Qns, teadrinker, Mar 10 05
736 plays
  Our Dumb World    
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
This quiz uses information provided by "Our Dumb World: The Onion's Atlas of the Planet Earth". If you have not read it, I would highly recommend it (unless you are easily offended). Have fun!
Tough, 25 Qns, daBomb619, Nov 10 09
681 plays
trivia question Quick Question
How many people change their name to Dave Gorman via deed poll?

From Quiz "Are You Dave Gorman?"

  Phaic Tan    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Santo Cilauro, Tom Gleisner and Rob Stich have written a travel guide for a country that doesn't exist. See what you know about the this travel guide parody and the mysterious nation of Phaic Tan.
Tough, 10 Qns, quogequox, May 11 06
365 plays
  Are You Dave Gorman?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz based on the hilarious book by Dave Gorman and Danny Wallace. It's a laugh out loud tale about two men on a mission to find other men named Dave Gorman. It's based on a true story. It's one of my personal favourite reads of all time. Enjoy
Tough, 10 Qns, DivineComedy, Mar 03 07
406 plays
  Low-brow Parodies in Literature    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Whether you think parody is the lowest form of writing or the highest form of praise for the original work, here are a few questions about a few of my favorite spoofs in literature.
Tough, 10 Qns, ArlingtonVA, May 23 09
ArlingtonVA gold member
701 plays
  Modern Comic Novels    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A quiz about some of the funniest novels in English over the last 75 years or so -- and the people who wrote them.
Tough, 10 Qns, mcmarcar, Sep 18 10
477 plays
  "The Worst Rock and Roll Records of All Time"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This satirical book was released in 1991. Authors Jimmy Guterman and Owen O'Donnell asked readers to take the book with a grain of salt, as it targeted music from the popular to the obscure. The quiz is based on their opinions (which may not be mine).
Tough, 10 Qns, neon000, Apr 20 24
neon000 gold member
Apr 20 24
1176 plays
  Joe Miller Reprise    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Ten more Joe Miller jokes where you are asked to select the correct punch line. These are from the 1864 edition rather than the 1738 edition.
Average, 10 Qns, Rehaberpro, Mar 02 10
328 plays
  Joe Miller's Joke Book    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here are ten jokes from "Joe Miller's Joke Book", circa 1739. The jokes have been slightly up-dated. You need to select the original punch line. These were compiled by a hack writer of the time John Mottley.
Average, 10 Qns, Rehaberpro, May 27 16
766 plays
  The Essential Guide To Emo Culture    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is all about a funny book called "Everybody Hurts: The Essential Guide To Emo Culture" by Leslie Simon and Trevor Kelley. The book is basically a guide to what some people consider emo and the cultural following of the genre.
Tough, 10 Qns, sdrockers182, Jan 02 09
358 plays
  America (The Book) by the Daily Show Staff    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How much do you know about the hilarious textbook-type writing by Jon Stewart and the cast of the Daily Show?
Average, 10 Qns, filmmaker03, Mar 09 05
1569 plays
  A Simples Life    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
There is a UK insurance comparison site called "Compare the Market". The company then set up "Compare the Meerkat " as an advertising gimmick. The book is a spin off from this and is a brief history of the meerkat clan by its founder.
Average, 10 Qns, balaton, Oct 12 23
Oct 12 23
284 plays
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Humor and Satire Trivia Questions

1. This humor author was born in the United States but lived in Britain for a long time. He even wrote a humorous travel book about Great Britain, "Notes From a Small Island", which was praised by many. Who is he?

From Quiz
Great Humorists and Satirists

Answer: Bill Bryson

Bill Bryson was born on 1951 in Iowa. However, he decided to move to England and stayed there until 1995. Before going back to the United States, Bryson decided to write a book about the country he had lived in for so many years, so he came up with "Notes From a Small Island", a humorous approach on almost everything in England. The book was published in 1995 by HarperCollins Publishers, and later adapted to a documentary in 1999.

2. Fact #2: Treasure Chest How can you tell how old a panda is? (Remember, this is according to the book. Sadly, these aren't real panda facts.)

From Quiz 100 Facts About Pandas

Answer: Measure the distance between its nipples

This particular measurement yields two equally important facts about the panda, using both measuring systems. The distance between the nipples in inches reveals the age of the panda in years, while in centimetres, it tells us how many times it has fallen in love. From a glance, therefore, you can tell if you're looking at a mature panda with a big heart, or a relatively young panda just starting out in the world of love.

3. Tom Holt writes comic fantasy based on myth and legend. His first book, "Expecting Someone Taller", is very loosely based on whose operatic saga?

From Quiz On the Funny Side of the Street

Answer: Wagner

Published in 1987, "Expecting Someone Taller" was the first in a string of very popular comic fantasy novels. The hapless hero, Martin Fisher, runs over a badger, which leads to him becoming the new keeper of The Ring of the Nibelung, which also makes him ruler of the world. He then finds himself pursued by various characters from Wagner's ring cycle operatic saga, all of whom want the ring for themselves.

4. He was a social climber, a traitor and murderer whom we first encounter at his public school -- where he is mocked for his choice of overcoat. The character is:

From Quiz Modern Comic Novels

Answer: Kenneth Widmerpool

Widmerpool is the anti-hero whose story forms the backbone of 'A Dance to the Music of Time', a 12-novel sequence by Anthony Powell. It regularly appears on lists of the 20th century's greatest novels in English.

5. Carlin's fuming because he's standing in a slow-moving line at the supermarket. In front of him is "a guy who's buying a simple jar of spaghetti sauce [who] tries to pay with _______________." Can you complete this quip?

From Quiz George Carlin's "Brain Droppings"

Answer: a letter of credit from the Bank of Liechtenstein

An essential part of Carlin's humor is his impatience with the slow and the dumb. Here's another gem: "And what about these cretins at the airport gift shop who think somehow they're in the Mall of America?...I gotta get to my plane. Why does the genetic defective ahead of me choose this moment to purchase a complete set of dishes and a new fall wardrobe? ...And now [the guy] wants to know [if he can pay with] Turkish traveler's checks."

6. "A Confederacy of Dunces", which introduces us to Ignatius J. Reilly, one of literature's more eccentric characters, is set in which American city?

From Quiz May the Farce Be With You

Answer: New Orleans

"A Confederacy of Dunces" (1980) was written by John Kennedy Toole and published eleven years after his death, winning a posthumous Pulitzer Prize. The story, narrated by the self-obsessed and work-averse Ignatius J. Reilly himself, centres around his adventures and encounters in New Orleans in the 1960s. His efforts at employment include a stint as a filing clerk in a failing pants manufacturing company (nothing gets filed) and time spent as a hot-dog vendor (often refusing to actually sell the hot-dogs). As well as Reilly, the book is crammed with other bizarre and eccentric characters. (Question by cazza2902)

7. [Alexander] Pope, dining once with Frederic, Prince of Wales, paid the prince many compliments. "I wonder, Pope," said the prince, "that you, who are so severe on kings, should be so complaisant to me". "It is," said the wily bard, "________."

From Quiz Joe Miller Reprise

Answer: because I like the lion before his claws are grown

"Joe Miller's Joke Book" often made references to well known people even if that person never said anything like that. Here is a reference to the acid-tongued Alexander Pope, a poet of the 18th century.

8. Which edition of the atlas is this?

From Quiz Our Dumb World

Answer: 73rd

Even though this book has never actually been published before, the cover claims that this is the seventy-third edition. It comes with such improved features as "Fewer Clouds on Maps", "Curvier Latitude Lines", and "Better-Veiled Xenophobia".

9. What is the title of Henry Beard's parody of "The Da Vinci Code"?

From Quiz Low-brow Parodies in Literature

Answer: The Dick Cheney Code

Henry Beard is a master of the spoof, having written or co-written such parodies as "The Dick Cheney Code" and "Bored of the Rings." He was also a co-founder of the "National Lampoon" magazine. In "The Dick Cheney Code," Beard describes how William Franklin, professor of American Popular History, Urban Mythology, and Supermarket Tabloid Science, is drawn into an attempt to expose an ages-old conspiracy.

10. What popular music magazine have the authors, Leslie Simon and Trevor Kelley, both written articles for?

From Quiz The Essential Guide To Emo Culture

Answer: Alternative Press

Although they've contributed articles to other magazines, Leslie Simon and Trevor Kelley both have worked and written articles for the music magazine "Alternative Press".

11. Which guitarist's album was lambasted by the writers for a rambling and incoherent monologue printed on its front cover?

From Quiz "The Worst Rock and Roll Records of All Time"

Answer: Scotty Moore

Scotty was a member of Elvis Presley's backing band. The writers praised Moore's other recorded efforts, but were dissatisfied with "The Guitar that Changed the World." O'Donnell and Guterman wrote that a paragraph on the album cover "[is] a close approximation of the English language."

12. How many men named Dave Gorman does Danny challenge Dave to meet in order to win the bet?

From Quiz Are You Dave Gorman?

Answer: 54

Danny challenged Dave to find 54 men named Dave Gorman in order to win the bet and prove that there really are "loads" of men in the world who share the name Dave Gorman. Why 54? Part of the bet stipulated that each Dave Gorman was representative of a card in a standard deck of playing cards (including the jokers). There are 13 cards in a suit and 4 suits in a deck which makes 52, plus the 2 jokers, which gives a grand total of 54.

13. In their quest to record all memorable (ie English) history, Sellar & Yeatman include 'both' historical dates. One is mentioned in the title of their book. What is the only other date in history?

From Quiz '1066 And All That' - WC Sellar & RJ Yeatman

Answer: 55BC

1066 and 55BC are the only two dates included in this 'history': no other dates were deemed memorable, or, as a consequence, historical. 1066 was the date of the Norman invasion of England, which is the last time the English lost on home turf (provided cricketing fixtures are discounted). 55BC is the year that the Roman Dictator Julius Caesar invaded Britain (and a date that I always forget). I think it says something interesting about the collective English mind that the only two memorable dates in history are our two biggest failures. In case you were wondering, the other dates are: 1939 - commencement of WWII between Britain and Germany; 1815 - Battle of Waterloo; 1666 - Great Fire of London.

14. What is the capital of Phaic Tan?

From Quiz Phaic Tan

Answer: Bumpattabumpah

Bumpattabumpah means, "water convergence" and refers to the meeting of the river Pong with the untreated sewage from a treatment plant. The city was originally called Phxux Xauan but was changed to its present name in 1933 when it was discovered that only 12% of the population could pronounce it. Bumpattabumpah also claim to having the world's largest unfenced hole after plans to construct the world's tallest office block were scrapped while the foundations were being dug.

15. Christopher Moore wrote a very funny book about the missing years in the history of the life of Christ. In this book, what was the name of the earthly best friend of Jesus Christ, which was included as part of the book's title?

From Quiz Reading For Fun

Answer: Biff

"Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Best Pal" was written by Christopher Moore and published in 2002. In the book Biff has been called upon to write a new gospel to tell the story of the lost years of Jesus' time on Earth. The book refers to the central character as "Levi bar Alphaeus who is called Biff". Jesus may not lie, steal, cuss or otherwise sin, but Biff is there and ready to pick up the slack. Certainly some will consider the book blasphemy. But that will only happen if it is taken seriously, and this book is all about laughs. Haven't you ever wondered how rabbits became associated with Easter? Moore has written numerous comical stories including "Island of the Sequined Love Nun", "Fool", "Sacre Bleu", and three different series centered around demons, vampires and the Grim Reaper.

16. On 2013, the movie "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" was released, as an adaptation of the short story of the same name. Which American author created this short story?

From Quiz Great Humorists and Satirists

Answer: James Thurber

James Thurber was an American cartoonist and author. His short story, "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty", which is arguably his most famous short story, was first published in "The New Yorker" magazine in 1939. In 1947, it was adapted to a film starring Danny Kaye. Thurber did not like the movie at all. Ben Stiller was the main actor in the 2013 adaptation. "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" is about a man who is constantly daydreaming about different situations, like seeing himself as a surgeon and envisioning himself as a pilot. Thurber wrote works such as "My Life and Hard Times" and "The Last Flower". The Thurber Prize, which recognizes humor literature since 1997, is named after him.

17. Fact #31: Pox Shock If a panda contracts chicken pox, what part (or parts) of its body will fall off (or out)? (Remember, this is according to the book. Sadly, these aren't real panda facts.)

From Quiz 100 Facts About Pandas

Answer: Eyes

Pandologists discovered that pandas are not affected by any human diseases at all, with the exception of varicella, or chicken pox. Contrary to humans, the panda will exhibit none of the symptoms commonly associated with chicken pox, like spots on the skin. If left untreated for ten days, however, the panda's eyes will fall out.

18. What was the sequel to Tom Sharpe's very funny novel, "Porterhouse Blue"?

From Quiz On the Funny Side of the Street

Answer: Grantchester Grind

Published in 1995, some twenty years after "Porterhouse Blue", "Grantchester Grind" is a continuation of the story of Skullion, the porter turned college master, and Porterhouse College. This sequel concentrates on the need of the college to raise funds as all their money has been gambled away by a previous bursar. Tom Sharpe was one of Britain's most successful satirical novelists, having written the "Wilt" series. Many of his books, including "Blott on the Landscape" and "Porterhouse Blue" have been adapted for television.

19. Seri and Kerentse set off to find a new land. Old musk rat sell them a boat and a map showing way to Bermuda. When they finally reach shore they are not in Bermuda. Where are they?

From Quiz A Simples Life

Answer: Russia

In Russia it was very cold and to keep warm they invented the first cravat. Later they were made of Pavlov Posid Russian silk.

20. Which Irish comedian, who was a member of The Goons, wrote a series of books, starting with "Adolf Hitler: My Part in His Downfall" about his experiences in World War II?

From Quiz May the Farce Be With You

Answer: Spike Milligan

Spike Milligan was born in India in 1919 of an English mother and Irish father, but lived most of his life in England. He was called up into the British army in WWII and entertained his fellow soldiers by writing and performing comic sketches as well as using his musical talents. After the war he became famous both for his humorous scriptwriting and his performances as a radio, TV and film comic actor. He is probably best remembered for his role as a member and scriptwriter of the anarchic "Goon Show", which continues to provide a template for British comedy to this day. (Question by Calpurnia09)

21. Joke:234 A Mathematics teacher had been married without being able to get his wife with child. One said to her "Madam, your husband is an excellent Arithmetician'. "Yes", replies she,...

From Quiz Joe Miller's Joke Book

Answer: "Only he can't multiply."

Joe Miller's favorite roles were the gravedigger in "Hamlet", Trincula in "The Tempest", and Marplot in "The Busybody"

22. One way this atlas is improved over its previous editions is "30% More" what?

From Quiz Our Dumb World

Answer: Asia

This information is located in the top right corner of the cover in white writing on a red background so that it stands out well. I wonder which 30% they had left out in the other editions...

23. What is the subtitle of the 1974 spoof "The Job of Sex"?

From Quiz Low-brow Parodies in Literature

Answer: A Workingman's guide to Productive Lovemaking, Illustrated with Pictures

"The Job of Sex" is another parody by the "National Lampoon". Those of you who read it will most likely remember the hilarious drawings of men and women, nearly fully-clothed in business suits, briefcase always in hand, performing various sex acts. Interestingly, some critics believe that the parody was more than simply humorous but also exposed the sex-as-job aspects of the book it spoofed, the huge best seller, "The Joy of Sex."

24. According to the Ideology section of the book, what is emo today?

From Quiz The Essential Guide To Emo Culture

Answer: A State Of Mind

There are nine parts to the book that describe emo culture. They are the ideology, fashion, internet, film, literature, music, eating habits, television, and adulthood.

25. Which album's title provoked this reaction from O'Donnell and Guterman: "We hate typing it as much as you hate reading it"?

From Quiz "The Worst Rock and Roll Records of All Time"

Answer: "Pinker and Prouder than Previous", Nick Lowe

As with many of the artists in the book, the writers noted that they enjoyed other material by Lowe, but were let down by the release in question. Lowe recorded with Brinsley Schwarz and Rockpile before embarking on his solo career.

26. What are Dave and Danny drinking when they make their drunken bet?

From Quiz Are You Dave Gorman?

Answer: Tequila

The bet was made whilst the pair were extremely drunk on Tequila. According to Danny, tequila is an "evil" drink, as it makes you do stupid things when under its influence. Stupid things like travelling half way around the world trying to find men that share your/your flatmate's name I suppose!

27. What is not necessary to become a candidate?

From Quiz America (The Book) by the Daily Show Staff

Answer: being dashingly handsome

A politician needs an indefinable quality above and beyond intelligence, dedication and any grasp of the issues to win an election, according to the book.

28. What was evil King John's final act of incompetence?

From Quiz '1066 And All That' - WC Sellar & RJ Yeatman

Answer: He lost his crown in the wash

Unbelievably, not only is this the right answer, it is actually true. The Wash is a coastal area in East Anglia. While travelling through 'The Wash', King John sent his baggage, including the crown jewels, along the coastal path, which was only passable at low tide. The tide came in quickly, and the jewels were lost.

29. The guide introduces us to a number of individuals specializing in various forms of travel. What does contributing expert Sven Teitarssen offer advice to the reader on?

From Quiz Phaic Tan

Answer: Budget travel

Sven Teitarssen is such an expert on the art of budget travel that he once traveled through Southeast Asia and made a profit. Some of Sven's advice includes arriving at museums 15 minutes before closing so as to avoid the entrance fee, saving money when hiring a bicycle rickshaw (a cyclo) by offering to help pedal, and breaking the law to allow yourself a night or two of cheap accommodation in a crowded jail cell.

30. Which English writer created "The Brentford Trilogy", a series of nine novels starring characters Jim Pooley and John Omally?

From Quiz Great Humorists and Satirists

Answer: Robert Rankin

Robert Rankin's "The Brentford Chainstore Massacre", which is the fifth novel of the Brentford Trilogy series, was nominated in 1997 by the British Fantasy Society for best novel but did not win. "The Brightonomicon", eighth novel of the series, was also nominated in 2006. This last novel, however, won "The Hub" award for best audio series. Rankin mostly writes fantasy. Some of his other works include "The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse", and "The Toyminator".

This is category 12960
Last Updated Mar 22 2025 5:48 AM
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