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Fun Trivia
This sci-fi series follows the adventures of the Starship Enterprise and its crew.
'Star Trek: The Motion Picture' (1979)
'Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan' (1982)
'Star Trek III: The Search for Spock' (1984)
'Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home' (1986)
'Star Trek V: The Final Frontier' (1989)
'Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country' (1991)
'Star Trek: Generations' (1994)
'Star Trek: First Contact' (1996)
'Star Trek: Insurrection' (1998)

'Star Trek: Nemesis' (2002)
'Star Trek' (2009)

57 Star Trek quizzes and 798 Star Trek trivia questions.
  "Star Trek" Subtitles    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Match the "Star Trek" subtitle with the correct "Star Trek" movie number and clue.
Easier, 10 Qns, nyirene330, Jun 10 16
1068 plays
  Star Trek Into Darkness   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"Beyond the darkness, lies greatness." In this action-packed science fiction film directed by J. J. Abrams, Captain James T. Kirk (Chris Pine) and First Officer Spock (Zachary Quinto) teamed up to fight an evil force that threatened to destroy the Earth.
Easier, 10 Qns, Matthew_07, Jun 08 13
Matthew_07 gold member
730 plays
  "Star Trek Into Darkness" - Part 2   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Ah! So you've beamed aboard - welcome. Please report to sickbay before joining the crew's population and remember, both the quiz and the interesting info may contain spoilers.
Average, 10 Qns, Daddy19, Jun 01 13
556 plays
  "Star Trek: Insurrection" Part One   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"Star Trek: Insurrection" follows "The Next Generation" crew of the Enterprise-E as they embark on their third motion picture for the franchise. Take this quiz to find out if you are a true Trekkie.
Average, 10 Qns, tazman6619, Feb 20 10
tazman6619 gold member
743 plays
  Those Who Embarked on a "Star Trek"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In this quiz, you will be tested on your knowledge of the actors who provided their talents to the characters of the "Star Trek" universe in the first seven movies.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, Dejera/Squall, Sep 09 17
Very Easy
4585 plays
  Trekkin' Through The Universe Pt. 9   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Team USS Enterprise continues its voyages through the "Star Trek" franchise with this quiz on the first three movies: "The Motion Picture", "The Wrath of Khan", and "The Search for Spock".
Average, 10 Qns, reedy, Apr 09 11
reedy gold member
745 plays
  How Well Do You Know "Star Trek"?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about the 10 movies produced so far. Test your knowledge to see if you are a "Star Trek" wiz. Good luck!
Easier, 10 Qns, ERommel, Aug 27 19
Aug 27 19
3879 plays
  Trekkin' Through The Universe Pt. 10   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The crew of the FunTrivia USS Enterprise bring you the final set of on-screen voyages of the original crew of the USS Enterprise. This quiz has questions on "Star Trek IV", "Star Trek V" and "Star Trek VI".
Average, 10 Qns, Daddy19, Jun 07 11
671 plays
  "Star Trek: Insurrection" Part Two   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"Star Trek: Insurrection" follows "The Next Generation" crew of the Enterprise-E as they embark on their third motion picture for the franchise. Take this quiz to find out if you are a true Trekkie.
Average, 10 Qns, tazman6619, Feb 21 10
tazman6619 gold member
596 plays
  "Star Trek: Insurrection" Part Three   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"Star Trek: Insurrection" follows "The Next Generation" crew of the Enterprise-E as they embark on their third motion picture for the franchise. Take this quiz to find out if you are a true Trekkie.
Average, 10 Qns, tazman6619, Feb 21 10
tazman6619 gold member
406 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What is the name of the vessel that makes first contact with the Vulcans in "Star Trek: First Contact"?

From Quiz "How Well Do You Know "Star Trek"?"

  "Star Trek Into Darkness" - Part 1    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How much can you remember about the 2013 "Star Trek Into Darkness", the sequel to the 2009 film "Star Trek"? The quiz and interesting information may contain spoilers.
Average, 10 Qns, Daddy19, May 23 13
490 plays
  Trekkin' Through The Universe Pt. 11   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Join Team USS Enterprise as we voyage through the "Star Trek: The Next Generation" movies "Generations", "First Contact", "Insurrection", and "Nemesis".
Average, 10 Qns, reedy, Apr 26 11
reedy gold member
642 plays
  The Antagonists of "Star Trek"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Every "Star Trek" movie had its villain. This quiz will test your knowledge of which villain was featured in all films from "Star Trek II" through "Star Trek VI." There are also secondary questions regarding each answer.
Average, 10 Qns, Dejera/Squall, Mar 18 23
Mar 18 23
3410 plays
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Star Trek Trivia Questions

1. At the start of "Star Trek Into Darkness" where was the Enterprise?

From Quiz
"Star Trek Into Darkness" - Part 1

Answer: At the bottom of an ocean

In order to try and ensure the Enterprise was not discovered by a pre-warp civilisation, unusually, the Enterprise was under water as opposed to orbiting the planet. Scotty was not happy about the effect the water might have on the hull.

2. At the beginning of "Star Trek: Generations", the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B was launched. Who was its Captain?

From Quiz Trekkin' Through The Universe Pt. 11

Answer: John Harriman

When the doors to the bridge opened, all the assembled media were focussed on the retired legends that were Kirk, Chekov and Scotty. Captain Harriman introduced himself and commented that he remembered reading about Kirk's missions whilst he was at grade school. Question by Daddy19

3. At the opening of "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home", a Starfleet ship encountered a probe of unknown origin. Which starship was this?

From Quiz Trekkin' Through The Universe Pt. 10

Answer: USS Saratoga

On encountering the probe, the Captain contacted Starfleet Command advising that USS Saratoga was patrolling sector 5, neutral zone. USS Yorktown was seen later having already lost all power as a result of the probe. USS Ranger was the name of the nuclear submarine that Chekov and Uhura visited. USS Destiny was referred to in "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine". Question by Daddy19

4. How does the crew find out Picard is planning to help the Ba'ku and defy Admiral Dougherty?

From Quiz "Star Trek: Insurrection" Part Three

Answer: Picard uses the transporter at an odd hour.

Upon confronting Picard Data says, "Rerouting the transport grid to avoid detection was wise, sir - however, the transporter is rarely used after 0200 hours." The crew makes it clear they are not about to let Picard do this all alone. Picard accepts their help, dividing them into two teams - one to take the Enterprise out of the Briar Patch and one to go to the planet's surface. Although Picard renounces his status as a Starfleet captain, it was impossible for him to send a message to Starfleet while still in the Briar Patch.

5. What is the name of the Ba'ku boy who Data is following on the day of his malfunction?

From Quiz "Star Trek: Insurrection" Part Two

Answer: Artim

Artim is the son of Sojef and the boy Data is following. At first Artim is hesitant to be around Data because he is an android. But they soon develop a fast friendship. Artim asks Data if he plays every day and Data explains he plays chess and the violin. Artim says that is not what he meant. He means does Data have fun every day. At the end of the movie we see Artim and Data playing hide-n-seek in a haystack. When Data leaves, Artim tells him to make sure he has fun every day.

6. One of the actors in the movie "Star Trek: Insurrection" directs it, which one?

From Quiz "Star Trek: Insurrection" Part One

Answer: Jonathan Frakes

"Star Trek: Insurrection" is the ninth "Star Trek" movie and the second one with Jonathan Frakes as the director. Frakes also directed "Star Trek: First Contact". "First Contact" was the highly successful motion picture directorial debut for Frakes but "Insurrection" failed to capture the same level of success. Critics panned it as just an extended episode of the TV series. (Source: Rotten Tomatoes website) Prior to these movies, Frakes directed episodes of "The Next Generation (TNG)", "Deep Space Nine (DS9)", and "Voyager". Levar Burton has directed numerous episodes of "TNG", "DS9", "Voyager", and "Enterprise" but never a Star Trek motion picture. Patrick Stewart directed several episodes of "TNG" only. Brent Spiner has never directed any "Star Trek" vehicles.

7. What is the name of the first "Star Trek" movie?

From Quiz How Well Do You Know "Star Trek"?

Answer: Star Trek: The Motion Picture

The much anticipated first movie, did poorly among the critics and Trekkies alike. The sequal, "Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan", did much better when it came out a couple years later.

8. Who played Captain James T. Kirk?

From Quiz Those Who Embarked on a "Star Trek"

Answer: William Shatner

William Shatner has also appeared as a main character on "T.J. Hooker" and "Rescue 9-1-1".

9. Who was the antagonist from the second "Star Trek" movie?

From Quiz The Antagonists of "Star Trek"

Answer: Khan

Khan first appeared in an episode of the original "Star Trek" show called "Space Seed."

10. Who did Kirk leave in command of the Enterprise when he left to apprehend Harrison on Kronos?

From Quiz "Star Trek Into Darkness" - Part 2

Answer: Sulu

At this point in the film, Scotty had resigned his commission. Spock accompanied Kirk along with Uhura and two security officers. Although McCoy was on the bridge, Kirk gave Sulu his first taste of command. As the away team left the Enteprise, Sulu sent a message to Harrison and ordered him to surrender or he would use Admiral Marcus' torpedoes.

11. What event was Spock trying to prevent on Nibiru?

From Quiz "Star Trek Into Darkness" - Part 1

Answer: A volcano erupting

Although the Enterprise was only on a mission to observe Nibiru, they believed they would be able to prevent a volcano erupting and therefore save the indigenous population. However, things did not go to plan and Spock became stranded in the crater, leaving Kirk with the decision as to whether or not to break the Prime Directive.

12. Former Starfleet agent, John Harrison, had an evil plan in mind. He was held responsible for the bombing of the secret Section 31 in London. Whom did he manipulate to help him carry out the plan?

From Quiz Star Trek Into Darkness

Answer: A father whose daughter was very ill

A young couple was seen visiting their daughter in a hospital. Their sad face while seeing their very ill daughter lying on the bed showed how much she meant to them. The father was then approached by John Harrison, who claimed that he could save the man's daughter's life. John then gave the man a package, which contained a vial and a ring. In exchange, the man helped John carry out his evil plan -- he sneaked the ring into his workplace and used it to detonate the entire building.

13. At the beginning of "Star Trek: The Motion Picture", three Klingon vessels were shown approaching V'Ger. Which actor (who had a more famous role in both the TV series and subsequent movies) played the Klingon captain?

From Quiz Trekkin' Through The Universe Pt. 9

Answer: Mark Lenard

Mark Lenard also played the role of Sarek, Spock's father, and reprised this role in an episode of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" as well. This was the first time that Klingons had been seen with a ridged forehead and speaking in their own dialect. Previously, Klingons appeared to be more humanoid with regular foreheads and spoke English. An explanation as to the difference in appearance was given in "Star Trek: Enterprise". Question by Daddy19

14. In response to Picard's plan, which crew member says, "Saddle up, lock and load"?

From Quiz "Star Trek: Insurrection" Part Three

Answer: Data

In response to Dr. Crusher's question about what he thinks of Picard's plan, Data replies with the above quote. Although Picard plans to go alone to the surface, the crew joins in and helps out. The movie starts with Data protecting the Ba'ku from the Son'a and the Federation and it ends in the same place. Only this time everyone is on board with the insurrection.

15. What kind of deposits are in the mountains, that interfere with Data's tricorder? (The answer figures later in the movie too.)

From Quiz "Star Trek: Insurrection" Part Two

Answer: Kelbonite

There are heavy deposits of Kelbonite in the mountains that interfere with the tricorder. Later on when the villagers are fleeing to the mountains, they follow the Kelbonite deposits to keep the Son'a from beaming them off the planet. Lithium crystals are used in the warp core. Ketracel White is a drug used by the Dominion to control their troops. The Son'a supply the Dominion with Ketracel White.

16. Data malfunctions while observing a primitive race on a planet, in a region of space called the Briar Patch. What causes the malfunction?

From Quiz "Star Trek: Insurrection" Part One

Answer: A phaser blast damages his positronic brain

Later on in the movie we learn it is a phaser blast that damages Data's positronic brain, particularly several of his memory engrams. This blast causes his self preservation mode to take over. To protect himself and the Ba'ku, he exposes the duck blind and the scientists in it.

17. What ship does Khan steal in the movie?

From Quiz How Well Do You Know "Star Trek"?

Answer: U.S.S. Reliant

This was in "Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan".

18. Spock was played by whom?

From Quiz Those Who Embarked on a "Star Trek"

Answer: Leonard Nimoy

Leonard Nimoy has also done educational programs and provided the voice for Galvatron in "Transformers the Movie".

19. What was the name of the actor who played the antagonist from "Star Trek II?"

From Quiz The Antagonists of "Star Trek"

Answer: Ricardo Montalban & Ricardo & Montalban

Ricardo Montalban even played Khan in the original "Space Seed."

20. What was the shape of the Borg ship that went back in time at the beginning of "Star Trek: First Contact"?

From Quiz Trekkin' Through The Universe Pt. 11

Answer: Sphere

The Enterprise-E fired on and destroyed the Borg sphere immediately upon entering the past, but the Borg managed to transport onto the Enterprise before that happened. Then, they began to assimilate the ship. Question by reedy

21. In "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home", when rescuing Chekov from the hospital, Dr McCoy cured a patient with 23rd Century medicine. Why was the patient in the hospital?

From Quiz Trekkin' Through The Universe Pt. 10

Answer: Kidney Dialysis

McCoy was surprised that the patient could still be suffering from dialysis and wondered whether they were still in the dark ages. He gave the patient some medicine to swallow which cured her completely... much to the surprise of her doctor! Question by Daddy19

22. Portrayed as a living machine, V'Ger considered humans to be an infestation of the Enterprise and of Earth. How did the probe Ilia refer to the humans individually?

From Quiz Trekkin' Through The Universe Pt. 9

Answer: Carbon units

Ilia was able to refer to individual humans by their names as well - referring to "Kirk unit", for example. The copy made of Ilia, however, also included her memories, so instead of referring to Decker as "Decker unit" she simply called him "Decker". Question by reedy

23. Most of the leadership of the crew goes to the surface with Picard to help evacuate the Ba'ku from their village. Which two members remain behind to take the Enterprise out of the Briar Patch and inform the Federation of what is going on?

From Quiz "Star Trek: Insurrection" Part Three

Answer: Riker and La Forge

Riker takes command of the Enterprise with La Forge at the conn (the flight controller). Here the movie splits into two simultaneous plot lines - one follows Picard and the crew on the planet and the other follows the Enterprise as it attempts to leave the Briar Patch. Ru'afo figures out what Picard and the crew are up to and tells Admiral Dougherty the Enterprise must be stopped. At first Dougherty hesitates but finally he gives his consent for Ru'afo to send two ships to intercept the Enterprise.

24. What does Data find in the lake that sheds light on what has happened to him?

From Quiz "Star Trek: Insurrection" Part Two

Answer: A submerged holoship

Data drains the lake and they find a Federation holoship that had been submerged. The ship has a holographic copy of the Ba'ku village in it, leading Picard to deduce that someone had planned to move the Ba'ku from their village without them knowing it. While in the ship a Son'a Warrior fires at Picard, Data, and Anij. They return fire and hit the Son'a warrior.

25. What is the race of the people Data is observing before the malfunction?

From Quiz "Star Trek: Insurrection" Part One

Answer: Ba'ku

A joint team of Federation and Son'a scientists are studying the Ba'ku. Data is part of this mission when he malfucntions. The Ba'ku appear to be a pre-warp civilization, but, as is usual in "Star Trek", things are not always how they appear.

26. What is the name of the Klingon Commander who ordered the death of Kirk's son David?

From Quiz How Well Do You Know "Star Trek"?

Answer: Commander Kruge

Kruge ordered the death of David while on the Genesis Planet. Spock is one of the Enterprise Crew. The other two are just fictional names.

27. Which actor portrayed the character Doctor Leonard McCoy?

From Quiz Those Who Embarked on a "Star Trek"

Answer: DeForest Kelley

DeForest Kelley also made appearances in television shows "Bonanza", "The Fugitive", and "The Lone Ranger".

28. What is the name of the character who pursued the Genesis Project on "Star Trek III?"

From Quiz The Antagonists of "Star Trek"

Answer: Kruge

Kruge ruthlessly sought after the Genesis Project, despite the fact that it was used up, useless, and on a planet on the brink of its own destruction.

29. The Klingons forced the away team to land on the surface before they could capture Harrison. What was Uhura's suggestion as to how they proceeded?

From Quiz "Star Trek Into Darkness" - Part 2

Answer: Try to speak to the Klingons

Uhura reasoned that she was brought along because she could speak Klingon and therefore she should be allowed to talk to them. Spock suggested to Kirk it would not be logical to incur her wrath by stopping her!

30. Spock was reassigned as well. To which Federation Starship?

From Quiz "Star Trek Into Darkness" - Part 1

Answer: USS Bradbury

Although Spock met the Captain of USS Bradbury, Frank Abbott, subsequent events meant that he didn't actually take up this posting.

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