15. What are the names of the two rival families on Dantooine?
From Quiz "Knights of the Old Republic" Part 2
Matale and Sandral
The Matales and Sandrals were two wealthy families living on Dantooine. The fathers were caught in a bitter feud and had taught their kids to hate each other. However, one day, Rahasia Sandral and Shen Matale met alone and became friends, and fell into a secret relationship. Rahasia's older brother, Casus, also met Shen, and the two were becoming friends. Then, Casus went missing. It turned out that the young archaeologist was attacked by kath hounds while studying the Rakatan ruins of Dantooine. His father, Nurik, was enraged and instantly blamed the Matales. Nurik Sandral later kidnapped Shen Matale, and secretly held him hostage. Shen's father, Ahlan, blamed Nurik. The whole situation spiraled out of control with the two fathers hating each other, holding each other responsible for the disappearance their missing children, while their children tried to prevent the situation from escalating. If you chose the Light Side, you had the fathers sort out their differences, and convinced the two children run off and get married. Alternatively, if you chose the Dark Side, you had the fathers use their battle droids to kill each other and their children.
The Hidden Beks and the Black Vulkars were rival swoop gangs in Lower Taris. Kath hounds were wild animals that were native to Dantooine, and would attack most life forms and droids. Firaxin Sharks were found on Manaan. They could only be killed using a sonic pulse at close range. Mandalore is the name of the homeworld of the Mandalorians, the group that fought the Republic four years prior to the events in "Knights of the Old Republic". It was in that war that Revan and Malak became heroes of the Republic. The Sith were a group led by Force Sensitive beings who used the Dark Side. They were the faction that fought the Republic in the war during "Knights of the Old Republic".