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Quiz about I Believe in Harvey Dent
Quiz about I Believe in Harvey Dent

I Believe in Harvey Dent Trivia Quiz

Hi, Harvey Dent here. It's late here in Gotham and I am rather bored. I figured I'd make a quiz and see how much you remember of my appearances in "The Dark Knight".

A multiple-choice quiz by CapoFamigliari. Estimated time: 6 mins.
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6 mins
Multiple Choice
Quiz #
Dec 03 21
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Avg Score
7 / 10
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Question 1 of 10
1. The first time I was seen in the movie was when I showed up late to court. That day I was questioning Rossi, a member of the local mob. While questioning him on the new head of the crime family, Rossi pulled a gun on me. I managed to get the gun from him and turned to speak to Maroni. After examining the gun I remarked to him that in order to kill a public servant, you should buy American. What country had I concluded the gun was from? Hint

Question 2 of 10
2. Having only been Gotham's DA for a short period of time, I was still getting to know everyone. My girlfriend, Rachel, introduced me to a friend of hers, Jim Gordon, who was a police lieutenant. In our brief conversation he told me he needed something from me. What did Jim Gordon ask me for? Hint

Question 3 of 10
3. At one point in the movie, I was seen taking Rachel out to dinner. The restaurant was really fancy and it took me three weeks to actually get us reservations. What did I tell the managers I did for work, in order to get those reservations? Hint

Question 4 of 10
4. Once I found out that Lau managed to leave the city with the mob's entire savings I went to confront Jim Gordon. He happened to be on the roof of the police station talking to Batman. Part way through our argument he yelled about how once my office got involved news leaked to the mob. Outraged I replied with a statement about his unit. To me they are scum, in fact I almost got one of his rookies on certain charges. What did I find the rookie doing? Hint

Question 5 of 10
5. Once Batman managed to return Lau to us, Rachel was the one who dealt with his interrogation. I sat outside with Jim Gordon, taping the whole thing. Mr. Lau explained to Rachel that he would give us information on all of his clients (the whole mob). He claimed he would do this in exchange for his freedom. We were hoping that we could use the information that Lau would give us to put away the rest of the mob. Thinking back to my days in law school I realized this was possible. However there was a certain charge we would have to bring against the mob. What charge would we have to bring? Hint

Question 6 of 10
6. After dinner with Bruce Wayne, he was nice enough to throw me a fundraiser. Rachel and I arrived at the party at the same time. Apparently I looked nervous because Rachel commented that something "scared me stiff". What did she claim scared me? Hint

Question 7 of 10
7. Alright, certain people have noticed I carry around a coin. They seem to have a problem with the idea that I leave absolutely everything up to chance. Instead of explaining the coin to them what did I simply tell them? Hint

Question 8 of 10
8. I don't feel like talking about Rachel's death so we'll move on to my acts of revenge. The first cop I found to have betrayed Rachel and I was Detective Wuertz. I found Wuertz, on his day off in a bar. Seeming surprised he exclaimed "Dent I thought you was dead". I stole his drink and replied with what? Hint

Question 9 of 10
9. After shooting Detective Wuertz, I went in search of Salvatore Maroni, in order to find out who the other police officer/mob informant was. Ultimately, I caught up with him in his car while he was attempting to leave town. After convincing him to tell me who the other informant was, I flipped the coin to deal Maroni's justice. It landed on heads saving his life. I told him he was lucky. Flipping the coin again I bluntly remarked "But he's not". Who was the unlucky person I was referring to? Hint

Question 10 of 10
10. Using Maroni's information, I tracked down Detective Ramirez and had her aid me in kidnapping Commissioner Gordon's wife and kids. When Gordon came to the rescue I explained to him that I was going to make him feel like I did. My plan was to make him lie to his family and tell them it was going to be okay when he knew it wasn't. In order to do this I needed to kill a member of his family. I pointed a gun at the head of each of his family members, watching his reaction each time. Upon pointing the gun at a certain family member, Gordon screamed to let them go. I knew that this was the one I had to kill. Smirking, I exclaimed "We have a winner". Which member of the Gordon Clan was my 'winner'? Hint

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Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. The first time I was seen in the movie was when I showed up late to court. That day I was questioning Rossi, a member of the local mob. While questioning him on the new head of the crime family, Rossi pulled a gun on me. I managed to get the gun from him and turned to speak to Maroni. After examining the gun I remarked to him that in order to kill a public servant, you should buy American. What country had I concluded the gun was from?

Answer: China

In the courtroom scene Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart) was questioning mob member Rossi in order to find out who was the head of the Gotham mob. Dent mentioned in his questioning that someone had to replace crime boss, Carmine Falcone (the known Crime Boss in Nolan's "Batman Begins") who ended up in Arkham Asylum. Rossi jokingly claimed he was the new crime boss. In an attempt to prove that Salvatore Maroni was the new crime boss, Harvey flashed a piece of paper to Rossi stating that it was a signed, sworn statement by Rossi, saying that Salvatore Maroni was the crime boss of the Gotham Mob. When Rossi continued to joke, Dent asked for permission to treat the witness as hostile. Rossi responsed with "I'll show you hostile" and pulled a gun on Dent. Harvey punched Rossi and took the gun. After examining it he stated to the court that the gun was "carbon fiber, 28 caliber, made in China" and he suggested to Maroni he should buy American. Harvey said this to Maroni is a very calm, very matter-of-fact voice. He believed his work as the DA would pay off and that he was going to get all of the criminals in Gotham off the streets no matter what it took.

In a scene after the courtroom, Rachel mentioned to Harvey that they must be close to finding out all of the mob's business otherwise they wouldn't be trying to kill Harvey. Harvey joked "Glad you're so pleased Rachel".
2. Having only been Gotham's DA for a short period of time, I was still getting to know everyone. My girlfriend, Rachel, introduced me to a friend of hers, Jim Gordon, who was a police lieutenant. In our brief conversation he told me he needed something from me. What did Jim Gordon ask me for?

Answer: Search and seizure warrants for banks

Lieutenant Jim Gordon (Gary Oldman) was attempting to get warrants to search five of Gotham's banks, hoping to find "marked" bills that he could connect back to the mob. The police department was made aware of the "marked" bills when they were called to respond to a bank robbery, ultimately planned and done by the Joker.
3. At one point in the movie, I was seen taking Rachel out to dinner. The restaurant was really fancy and it took me three weeks to actually get us reservations. What did I tell the managers I did for work, in order to get those reservations?

Answer: The Government

Harvey mentioned how he obtained the reservations, while making small talk with Rachel, when they were sitting down to dinner at the restaurant. Harvey might have proposed to Rachel (as he did later in the movie before Bruce Wayne knocked him out at the fundraiser) if Bruce and his date hadn't shown up! Rachel Dawes (Maggie Gyllenhaal) and Harvey ended up being joined by Bruce Wayne and his date (the Prima Donna from the Russian Ballet).

This scene included a small conversation on why Batman did what he did. Dent stood up for Batman saying "He doesn't want to do this forever, how could he?" Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) joked about "someone dressing up like a bat must have serious mental problems".
4. Once I found out that Lau managed to leave the city with the mob's entire savings I went to confront Jim Gordon. He happened to be on the roof of the police station talking to Batman. Part way through our argument he yelled about how once my office got involved news leaked to the mob. Outraged I replied with a statement about his unit. To me they are scum, in fact I almost got one of his rookies on certain charges. What did I find the rookie doing?

Answer: Racketeering

Harvey was almost able to catch Officer Cole on racketeering charges. Racketeering is when a person (usually a person of authority like a police officer, a mayor, or a FBI member, etc) uses their authority or other political influences to commit crimes in which they can obtain money or other valuables for personal use. We can assume that Officer Cole, like Ramirez and Wuertz, were working with the Mob for personal financial gain.

This accusation by Dent was given to Jim Gordon when they were standing on the roof of the police station talking, to Batman. Harvey Dent wanted to know if Batman could bring Lau back from Hong Kong (China would not extradite anyone from their country.

This means they refused to give up a person who was living in their country to law enforcement authorities of another country, regardless of whether it could be proved that said person had committed a crime). Batman asked Dent if he got Lau to him, if Dent could get him to talk. Harvey replied with "I can get him to sing."
5. Once Batman managed to return Lau to us, Rachel was the one who dealt with his interrogation. I sat outside with Jim Gordon, taping the whole thing. Mr. Lau explained to Rachel that he would give us information on all of his clients (the whole mob). He claimed he would do this in exchange for his freedom. We were hoping that we could use the information that Lau would give us to put away the rest of the mob. Thinking back to my days in law school I realized this was possible. However there was a certain charge we would have to bring against the mob. What charge would we have to bring?

Answer: RICO

During Lau's interrogation he claimed that he was "very good with calculations". He agreed to testify against the mob in order to gain his own freedom. Lau even had the nerve to ask for a chartered plane back to Hong Kong! Once Lau told Rachel that he would testify again his "clients" Rachel excused herself to go to speak with Harvey and Jim Gordon. Harvey was explaining, half to Gordon, half to himself, that if Lau gives them information about the mob and everything they were doing, they would be able to charge all of the mob members as one.

He claimed they "could charge them all as one communal conspiracy". The RICO Act (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) is commonly used in the United States to charge people who use organized crime (mainly the mob/mafia) as one person. If found guilty, they would be forced to pay a fine or do jail time and would have to give up any property or money made through their criminal ways.
6. After dinner with Bruce Wayne, he was nice enough to throw me a fundraiser. Rachel and I arrived at the party at the same time. Apparently I looked nervous because Rachel commented that something "scared me stiff". What did she claim scared me?

Answer: The Trust Fund Brigade

When Harvey and Rachel walked into the fundraiser that Bruce Wayne was holding for him, Harvey was just looking around the room silently. Rachel read the look as a nervous one and exclaimed "Harvey Dent, scourge of underworld, scared stiff by the trust fund brigade".

She found it funny that Harvey was more bothered by having to be at the party than the fact that the entire Gotham mob wanted him dead. She quickly walked off leaving him alone. Harvey was approached by Wayne's butler, Alfred (Michael Caine), who offered him "a little liquid courage" (a glass of alcohol).

This all happened right before the Joker crashed the party and told Rachel about his scars.
7. Alright, certain people have noticed I carry around a coin. They seem to have a problem with the idea that I leave absolutely everything up to chance. Instead of explaining the coin to them what did I simply tell them?

Answer: "Not exactly"

Harvey carried around a two headed coin. Though he never mentioned to anyone that there was anything special about the coin, he noted that it was his father's lucky coin, when he arrived late to the Maroni trial. He asked Rachel if she was scared that she would have to step up (to question Rossi). Upon Rachel's comment of "Harvey I know these briefs backwards", Harvey asked if she cared to flip for it. Rachel explained that she felt he shouldn't leave such things up to chance. He told her "I make his own luck".

Dent was dealing with a former patient of Arkham when this quote comes up. The former patient was helping the Joker in his attempt to assassinate the mayor. He was shot and mistaken for the Joker/the one who actually shot at the mayor. Harvey noticed that the tag on his stolen police uniform said "Rachel Dawes" hinting at Rachel as the next Joker killing. Harvey, attempting to get information on where the Joker was, threatened the man with death, using the coin as the deciding factor. Batman showed up and asked if Harvey would leave a man's life to chance. Harvey replied "Not exactly".

Harvey had a similar conversation with Rachel. He was being escorted into the back of a police truck where they planned on transporting "Batman" to the County Jail. She was upset with him for always leaving things to chance. He calmly replied with a smile, "I'm not" and tossed the coin to her, revealing to both her (and the audience for the first time) that it was a double-headed coin. Rachel kept the coin up until her death. Commissioner Gordon left the one-sided burnt coin on Harvey's side table while he was in the hospital recovering from the burns.

Harvey summed up his views on life and luck when he said "The world is cruel. The only mortality in a cruel world is chance. Unbiased, unprejudiced chance. Fair." He mentioned this when he was speaking to Commissioner Gordon and Batman near the end of the movie. He was holding Jim Gordon's son and planned on killing him. This comment was stated to support why he flipped the coin before killing people. He believed this gave them as much of a chance that Rachel had to live.
8. I don't feel like talking about Rachel's death so we'll move on to my acts of revenge. The first cop I found to have betrayed Rachel and I was Detective Wuertz. I found Wuertz, on his day off in a bar. Seeming surprised he exclaimed "Dent I thought you was dead". I stole his drink and replied with what?

Answer: "Half"

Harvey had spent a while looking for Detective Wuertz, in order to get revenge for Rachel's death. He surprised Wuertz in the bar when he walked over and pointed a gun at him. In a moment of shock, Weurtz claimed he thought Harvey was dead. Harvey answered "Half" meaning that Rachel (who he loved and wanted to marry) was dead and he would never be complete again. He planned on serving his version of justice to anyone who was involved in Rachel's death. Harvey asked Weurtz who picked Rachel up and brought her to the warehouse that she died in. Weurtz explained he was never told who else was involved in Rachel's abduction. Harvey used the coin to determine Weurtz's "justice". It landed on tails resulting in Weurtz's death.

Detective Wuertz (Ron Dean) was one (of two) of the Gotham police who were informants for the mob. The other, Detective Anna Ramirez (Monique Gabriela Curnen), mentioned at one point in the movie, while talking to an angry Harvey Dent, that the only reason she helped the mob was to pay off her mother's hospital bills. We were made aware of Ramirez's sick mother in the beginning of the movie when she was talking to Jim Gordon. They were standing on top of the police station waiting for Batman to show up. Batman however was busy fighting "copycats".
9. After shooting Detective Wuertz, I went in search of Salvatore Maroni, in order to find out who the other police officer/mob informant was. Ultimately, I caught up with him in his car while he was attempting to leave town. After convincing him to tell me who the other informant was, I flipped the coin to deal Maroni's justice. It landed on heads saving his life. I told him he was lucky. Flipping the coin again I bluntly remarked "But he's not". Who was the unlucky person I was referring to?

Answer: Maroni's Driver

Dent shot Maroni's driver causing the car to veer off the road, overturn and explode on impact. Maroni was presumably left dead (we have no proof as he did not appear anymore in the movie, nor was his death officially announced.) Salvatore Maroni was played by Eric Roberts.
10. Using Maroni's information, I tracked down Detective Ramirez and had her aid me in kidnapping Commissioner Gordon's wife and kids. When Gordon came to the rescue I explained to him that I was going to make him feel like I did. My plan was to make him lie to his family and tell them it was going to be okay when he knew it wasn't. In order to do this I needed to kill a member of his family. I pointed a gun at the head of each of his family members, watching his reaction each time. Upon pointing the gun at a certain family member, Gordon screamed to let them go. I knew that this was the one I had to kill. Smirking, I exclaimed "We have a winner". Which member of the Gordon Clan was my 'winner'?

Answer: Gordon's son

Harvey Dent pointed the gun at each of Commissioner Gordon's family members. When Dent pointed the gun at Jim's son, James Gordon Jr., Gordon exclaimed "...will you stop pointing that gun at my family!" Batman managed to distract Harvey long enough to throw him off of the building they were on. He brought James Gordon Jr. to safety and we last saw Harvey Dent, lying motionless on the ground at the base of the building.

I hope you enjoyed my quiz!
Source: Author CapoFamigliari

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