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LOTR Trilogy  Combined Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
LOTR Trilogy  Combined Quizzes, Trivia

Lord of the Rings Trilogy Trivia

Lord of the Rings Trilogy Trivia Quizzes

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The quizzes in this category cover all three volumes of the trilogy. There are also separate categories for each of the books.
22 quizzes and 275 trivia questions.
  A Hobbit's Quest to Mount Doom   great trivia quiz  
Ordering Quiz
 10 Qns
Following Frodo on His Journey
Frodo was just an ordinary young Hobbit when his life was changed forever by his uncle, Bilbo. Thrust into great responsibility, Frodo took the One Ring all the way to Mount Doom to be destroyed. Can you put in order the steps in his journey?
Average, 10 Qns, LeoDaVinci, Jul 05 24
LeoDaVinci editor
Jul 05 24
214 plays
  Lord of the Rings: Book vs. Movie    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Do you remember the events in LOTR that were dropped or changed in the movie? This quiz covers things that were (mostly) altered by Peter Jackson.
Tough, 10 Qns, madfilkentist, Feb 15 25
Feb 15 25
149 plays
  Merry's and Pippin's Parts in the War of the Ring   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
While Frodo and Sam crossed the Great River pursuing their hopeless quest to destroy the Ring, Merry and Pippin found themselves caught up in the war that ended the Third Age.
Average, 15 Qns, Catreona, Oct 05 23
Catreona gold member
Oct 05 23
257 plays
  25 Questions: Lord Of The Rings Multiple Choice Quiz   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
'Lord Of The Rings' quiz. Questions range from fairly easy to difficult. Enjoy.
Average, 25 Qns, Legolas9, May 19 21
May 19 21
22684 plays
  'Lord of the Rings' - Alternative Names   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Many of the characters (as well as places and objects) in the Lord of the Rings have more than one name. How many of them do you remember?
Average, 15 Qns, Elanor, Dec 14 14
13459 plays
  Lord of the Rings Trilogy   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
Some random questions on all things "Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien.
Average, 25 Qns, wildy, Sep 10 23
Sep 10 23
11209 plays
  "Lord of the Rings," Who am I?   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
I will give you a list of accomplishments, or other names, for characters in JRR Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings." You are to name the person I am describing. If you haven't read the books I suggest you don't try this quiz. HAVE FUN!
Difficult, 20 Qns, Boromir3, Dec 14 14
8730 plays
  Easy Lord of the Rings Quiz - 10 Questions    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I know you've seen the film, but have you read the book?
Easier, 10 Qns, Ruthers, Dec 17 12
12677 plays
  Tolkien's Unknowns   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
JRR Tolkien's "The Lord Of The Rings" has become quite the rage lately. But how much do you really know? This quiz is all about people, places and things that appear in the background of Tolkien's stories.
Average, 10 Qns, Neume, Dec 30 03
6831 plays
  "Lord of the Rings" Aliases    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz where I say one of the character's name, and you tell me which of the multiple choice answers are NOT one of his/her other names.It could be whether it is in the book or movie, as long as they are mentioned.
Average, 10 Qns, illchill, Oct 08 11
7785 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What is written on the doors into Moria?

From Quiz "Lord Of The Rings"

  All things LOTR    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Think you know Lord of the Rings? I challenge you to defeat this quiz and to test really how much you know.
Average, 10 Qns, Rosie-Posie, Feb 03 08
7491 plays
  Lord of the Rings Quiz Challenge    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Ten questions about The Lord Of the Rings. (whole trilogy) Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, aralothiel, Jul 29 07
11298 plays
  Poems And Names In LOTR    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
No questions on appendixes or other works by Tolkien are included in this quiz, it's enough to have read the Trilogy a few times. I've done most of the Tolkien quizes to date (dec 2003), so I've tried to avoid asking the same questions again. Have fun!
Average, 10 Qns, Fimbrethil, Oct 28 08
4149 plays
  The Ultimate "Lord of the Rings" Quiz   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How much do you truly know about the awesome trilogy by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien? Find out now!
Tough, 10 Qns, mkc99, Dec 26 16
944 plays
  "Lord of the Rings" Obscure facts    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Some trivia on minutae in "The Lord of the Rings" questions can be answered by reading just the trilogy and appendices. Base on the American printing by Ballantine/Del Rey.
Difficult, 15 Qns, johnguilt, May 01 14
5389 plays
  5 Question Lord of the Rings Quiz    
Multiple Choice
 5 Qns
This is my first quiz, so I'll make it a quickie. I try not to make freebie questions. Let's see if I succeed. There are no special characters with an accent marks or the like in the questions or answers. Good Luck! :)
Average, 5 Qns, AzGul, Mar 01 13
8415 plays
  "Lord of the Rings": One Quiz to Rule Them All    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz on, in the eyes of many, the greatest work of fiction ever written. I'm new to this quiz making business, so I hope you like it and please let me know if there are any mistakes.
Tough, 10 Qns, Shnivrelrip, Dec 12 15
2740 plays
  Insults in Middle Earth    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
There are lots of handy insults in "The Lord of the Rings". Let's see how well you know them! All quotes are from the Houghton Mifflin 50th Anniversary edition of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, and in no particular order.
Average, 10 Qns, JessicaNJpa, Nov 16 11
623 plays
  "The Lord of the Rings" Hodgepodge    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
My first quiz! Random bits of trivia. Based on the books by J.R.R. Tolkien. I would greatly appreciate any corrections.
Very Difficult, 10 Qns, janeyan, Nov 11 21
Very Difficult
Nov 11 21
3165 plays
  Mixed Trilogy Quiz    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Here are just some more questions concerning the best books ever written, "The Lord of the Rings"!
Difficult, 15 Qns, Luthien05, Sep 17 04
3960 plays
  'The Lord of the Rings' Appendices    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz on material in the appendices of J.R.R. Tolkien's 'The Lord of the Rings'.
Difficult, 10 Qns, Lias444, Apr 20 15
224 plays
  'Lord Of The Rings'    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a short and simple quiz, all about the works of Tolkien.
Average, 10 Qns, chazomalfungus, Jan 27 18
6076 plays

Lord of the Rings Trilogy Trivia Questions

1. Merry and Pippin were the inadvertent cause of Boromir's death. From whom or what did the heir of Minas Tirith try to defend the young Hobbits that cost him his life?

From Quiz
Merry's and Pippin's Parts in the War of the Ring

Answer: Orcs

As the Company of the Ring scattered Merry and Pippin ran, literally, into a mixed mob of orcs from Minas Morgul and Isengard, with orders to kill all but the Halflings. Merry wounded a few before the young Hobbits were disarmed and, when he arrived, Boromir killed several, but not enough to make a difference. One man, however strong his sword arm, couldn't stand against an orc host, especially one armed with bows. But his death was not in vain. Earlier in the day, Boromir had tried to wrest the Ring from Frodo by force. By the time the fit of madness passed and he realized the folly and wickedness of what he had done, it was too late. Frodo was gone. Trying, even unsuccessfully, to protect the young Hobbits redeemed him. Aragorn certainly thought so. He died with Aragorn's reassurance and praise in his ears.

2. What age did Aragorn live to?

From Quiz 'The Lord of the Rings' Appendices

Answer: 210

Aragorn, being of direct Númenorean descent, had a much greater lifespan than the average Man. He lived a full two-hundred and ten years. This was longer than any of his line since King Arvegil.

3. "Foul dwimmerlaik". This was said by an unhorsed soldier during a battle. Who was the soldier speaking to?

From Quiz Insults in Middle Earth

Answer: Witch King of Angmar

(ROTK, "The Battle of the Pelennor Fields") Dernhelm (Eowyn) said this to the Witch King (the chief Ring-wraith) after he and his steed swooped down upon Snowmane and Theoden, who had fallen on the Pelennor Fields. His steed had just dug its claws into Snowmane and Dernhelm stood alone to defend the fallen. As Dernhelm spoke and fought the beast, Merry realized who she was.

4. When Frodo began his quest to destroy the Ring, he purchased a house to "retire" to. Where was it located?

From Quiz Tolkien's Unknowns

Answer: Crickhollow

This house was a decoy, and a rather clever one at that. It offered an excuse for Frodo to disappear without arousing suspicion. He spread the rumour that his money was running out, and he would be moving to a nice, quiet little place somewhere outside of Hobbiton.

5. Bilbo invited 144 guests to the more exclusive part of his party. There are two reasons for this. What are they?

From Quiz All things LOTR

Answer: Frodo's age and Bilbo's age added together, and it equals one Gross.

Bilbo's other reasons for choosing this number may have been to annoy his hated cousins, the Sackville-Bagginses or it might just be one of his eccentricities.

6. At the end of Book 1, Chapter 1, what is Frodo's and Bilbo Baggins' combined age?

From Quiz "Lord of the Rings" Obscure facts

Answer: 144 & 144 years

In fact, during the Party, 144 people were invited to a special family dinner in honor of the number, although many people were offended since they felt they were invited for no other reason than to fill the required number of seats. (For the interested, Bilbo was 111, Frodo, 33)

7. In 'The Hobbit', who is the first dwarf to arrive at Bilbo's house?

From Quiz 'Lord Of The Rings'

Answer: Dwalin

Bilbo thought Gandalf had come, and was shocked to find Dwalin standing on his doorstep.

8. What is the name of Frodo's home in Hobbiton?

From Quiz Lord of the Rings

Answer: Bag-End & Bag End

In the book Frodo sold his home before leaving--and sold it to the Sackville-Bagginses, relatives of Bilbo's (and Frodo's) who hated the Bagginses because they wanted to live in Bag-End so much, but it had always been in Bilbo's family instead.

9. Sam and Frodo encounter the malevolent Shelob. What sort of creature does Shelob most closely resemble?

From Quiz Lord of the Rings

Answer: Spider

Shelob lived in a foul stenching lair in Cirith Ungol and the hobbits were led there by the treacherous Gollum.

10. With whom was Sam in love?

From Quiz Lord of the Rings

Answer: Rosie

Rosie Cotton. Whom he later married and had a child with (Elanor)

11. What is Sam Gamgee's real name?

From Quiz 'Lord of the Rings' - Alternative Names

Answer: Samwise

There are few characters more loyal, loving and trustworthy than Sam Gamgee. He was Frodo Baggins's gardener and servant, before becoming his closest friend. His name is a translation of the Hobbit-name "Banazir", meaning 'half-wise' or 'simple'.

12. 'One ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them. In the land of Mordor...'

From Quiz Lord Of The Rings

Answer: Where the shadows lie

13. Who was Bilbo's adopted heir?

From Quiz Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Answer: Frodo

Frodo inherits the One Ring from Bilbo, and thus sets out to destroy it. Otho Sackville-Baggins was supposed to be Bilbo's heir, seeing that Bilbo had no kids of his own, and planned on inheriting Bag-End. Bilbo's adoption of Frodo spoiled Otho's plans.

14. Hobbits were famously tough and resilient. Merry and Pippin needed all their resources to survive their captivity. Where did their captors take them?

From Quiz Merry's and Pippin's Parts in the War of the Ring

Answer: From Amon Hen to the eaves of Fangorn Forest

Three hundred leagues, nine hundred weary miles, the despairing Hobbits unwillingly accompanied the orcs from the slopes of Amon Hen, through the Emyn Muil and across the grassy plane of Rohan. Sometimes they ran with the whips of their captors behind them. Sometimes they were carried like sacks. Always they seemed to be in an endless nightmare. Merry remained defiant, but it was Pippin who seized the opportunity for escape when it came and devised the plan by which they gained their liberty.

15. Who brought Aragorn a message concerning the Paths of the Dead from Elrond?

From Quiz The Ultimate "Lord of the Rings" Quiz

Answer: Elrohir

Halbarad and Elrohir rode in the same company seeking Aragorn, but Elrohir relayed his father's words. At this time Gandalf took Pippin to Minas Tirith on Shadowfax, after Pippin looked into the palantír. The message from Elrond was this: "The days are short. If thou art in haste, remember the Paths of the Dead." To which Aragorn replied, "Great indeed will be my haste ere I take that road."

16. Someone was called a "dunghill rat" and ordered to be quiet. Who was in trouble for making noise?

From Quiz Insults in Middle Earth

Answer: Frodo

(ROTK, "The Tower of Cirith Ungol") In the tower of Cirith Ungol, Sam was looking for Frodo and began to sing. Frodo faintly sang back but attracted the attention of Snaga the orc. "Ho la! You up there, you dunghill rat! Stop your squeaking, or I'll come and deal with you."

17. What, according to Strider, is the old name for Weathertop hill?

From Quiz "Lord of the Rings": One Quiz to Rule Them All

Answer: Amon Sul

On Amon Sul a tower was built for defense against the dark realm of Angmar. Minas Anor and Ithil (Tower of the Setting Sun and Tower of the Rising Moon) are the names of cities in Gondor which were eventually renamed Minas Tirith and Minas Morgul.

18. When the company rode out from Edoras to the aid of Erkenbrand, Eomer offers Gimli a place before him on his steed. What was the steed's name?

From Quiz Mixed Trilogy Quiz

Answer: Firefoot

Up until this point Gandalf had been Gimli's ride but he was riding up with the king. So Eomer offered Gimli a place before him, and he accepted. So they rode together with Legolas on their left and Aragorn on their right.

19. The song that Frodo sings in the same inn is well known for the line "the cow jumped over the Moon", as this is when he falls off the table and accidentaly slips on the ring. But who plays the fiddle in the lyrics of the song?

From Quiz Poems And Names In LOTR

Answer: the tipsy cat

The fiddle in question was five-stringed and the sound of it was what made the otherwise queenly cow dance and caper and jump over the moon. The Man in the Moon comes down to the inn to "drink his fill" of the brown ale, the little dog is fond of jests and the landlord is, well, the landlord!

20. What was the name of the golden flower which grows everywhere in Lothlorien?

From Quiz Tolkien's Unknowns

Answer: Elanor

This lovely little blossom was first seen in the first book, then came into play at the very end of the trilogy, when Sam named his baby daughter Elanor. Athelas was the healing herb used by Aragorn, and Mallorn is the name of the trees in Lothlorien which had gold leaves and silver bark.

21. The relationship between Eowyn and Theoden is...

From Quiz All things LOTR

Answer: uncle and niece

Theoden's sister was Eowyn and Eomir's mother. He often calls them sister-daughter and sister-son.

22. What son of Bard the Bowman ruled Esgaroth after his death?

From Quiz "Lord of the Rings" Obscure facts

Answer: Bain

Revealed by Gloin during the Council of Elrond, although at the time of the books, Brand, son of Bain, son of Bard, was the King.

23. How many were in the party that went on the quest in 'The Hobbit'?

From Quiz 'Lord Of The Rings'

Answer: 14

Bilbo was chosen for the lucky number, and as a good thief, although he had no experience in stealing.

24. When the Orcs run away in Moria at the approach of the Balrog, Gandalf hears one of them utter the Orc-word 'Ghash.' What does it mean?

From Quiz Lord of the Rings

Answer: Fire

Orcs from different regions cannot understand each other's Orc-speech, so when tribes mix the Orcs must speak in the Common tongue to communicate. Without saying too much, it comes in handy from time to time. : )

25. Which character appears in the film but does not appear in the book?

From Quiz Lord of the Rings

Answer: Lurtz

Lurtz is the mighty leader of the Uruks sent by Saruman to attack the Fellowship. He doesn't get a mention in the book.

26. Gandalf and Saruman were Wizards. What people did they belong to?

From Quiz Lord of the Rings

Answer: Istari

Gandalf and Saruman are both Istari.

27. What did Bilbo call Aragorn?

From Quiz 'Lord of the Rings' - Alternative Names

Answer: Dunadan

Aragorn was called by all these names, but Bilbo used to call him Dunadan, (or "the Dunadan") which was Sindarin for 'Man of the West'. The plural form was "Dunedain" which referred to the Rangers as a group.

28. What two items does Bilbo give to Frodo in Rivendell?

From Quiz Lord Of The Rings

Answer: Mithril shirt and sword

Frodo recieves a Mithril shirt, which saves his life in Moria, and his sword, Sting.

This is category 9031
Last Updated Mar 08 2025 5:47 AM
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