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Items & Weapons in Video Games Trivia

Items & Weapons in Video Games Trivia Quizzes

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21 quizzes and 225 trivia questions.
  Katanas of From Software    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
These long, thin blades have seen nigh-countless different forms over the years. See what you know about the Katanas of From Software!
Average, 10 Qns, cavalier87, Nov 16 23
cavalier87 gold member
Nov 16 23
33 plays
  Daggers of From Software    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
They may be small, but they sure are deadly: this quiz will test your knowledge on the daggers of From Software.
Tough, 10 Qns, cavalier87, Nov 11 23
cavalier87 gold member
Nov 11 23
29 plays
  Fists of From Software    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
All hands are on deck here for this quiz about From Software's fist weapons. See if you can make it through without needing a hand.
Average, 10 Qns, cavalier87, Dec 01 23
cavalier87 gold member
Dec 01 23
44 plays
  Spears of From Software    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Getting straight to the point, as that's the part of this weapon that deals damage, see what you know about spears across From Software's history.
Tough, 10 Qns, cavalier87, Nov 02 23
cavalier87 gold member
Nov 02 23
41 plays
  Axes of From Software    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Time to 'axe' you about a new type of weapon from From Software's history!
Average, 10 Qns, cavalier87, Oct 26 23
cavalier87 gold member
Oct 26 23
36 plays
  Hammers of From Software    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
There are few, if any problems across From Software's video games that can't be solved by picking up a big stick and smashing things with it. See what you know about the hammers of From Software!
Tough, 10 Qns, cavalier87, Nov 04 23
cavalier87 gold member
Nov 04 23
37 plays
  Bows of From Software    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Shortbows, longbows, crossbows and greatbows alike take up this quiz! Try to get a good mark on the bows of From Software!
Average, 10 Qns, cavalier87, Oct 22 23
cavalier87 gold member
Oct 22 23
38 plays
  Shields of From Software    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Whether used for parrying utility or to simply soak up the biggest hits these games have to offer, see what you know about shields across From Software games!
Tough, 10 Qns, cavalier87, Oct 20 23
cavalier87 gold member
Oct 20 23
49 plays
  Swords of From Software    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Slashing, smashing and bashing, let's take a look at short swords, Greatswords and Ultra Greatswords across From Software history!
Difficult, 15 Qns, cavalier87, Oct 18 23
cavalier87 gold member
Oct 18 23
44 plays
  Don't Stop Bereaving    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Murder has been a common theme in video games. Why not look at some of the tried and tested means of massacre used in the past, as well as some which didn't work?
Tough, 10 Qns, malik24, Jul 17 22
Jul 17 22
3194 plays
  My Guiding Moonlight    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Moonlight Greatsword
The peanut butter to its jelly, the Moonlight Greatsword is From Software's baby. It has appeared in every video game they've ever made dating to the '90s. See what you know about the MLGS across the company's history.
Tough, 10 Qns, cavalier87, Sep 28 23
cavalier87 gold member
Sep 28 23
40 plays
  Jump the Gun   great trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Don't be too quick on the trigger when matching up these video games to the firearms found within them or you may be shooting blanks. Match all ten if you can. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Jul 17 22
kyleisalive editor
Jul 17 22
211 plays
  Signature Tools of the Trade    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Sometimes, it's hard not to associate a particular item with a video game character. See if you can match these signature tools or weapons to the right characters.
Average, 10 Qns, eburge, Jul 17 22
eburge gold member
Jul 17 22
159 plays
  Wandering for Weapons - From Software Gaming    
Match Quiz
 15 Qns
The most special weapons tend to be well hidden, behind a tough boss or a tricky puzzle. See if you know where to go for these behemoths within the context of the "Dark Souls" trilogy, "Bloodborne", "Elden Ring" and "Demon's Souls".
Tough, 15 Qns, cavalier87, Aug 15 22
cavalier87 gold member
Aug 15 22
50 plays
  Edge of Destiny    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
What would our fearless video game heroes be without their weapons of choice? What about those villains whose swords spell a gamer's fate? This quiz looks at the famous blades of video games past and present. Good luck!
Tough, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Jul 17 22
kyleisalive editor
Jul 17 22
164 plays
  Boom Boom Pow    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
It's time to bring out the big guns- these video game weapons are some of the most explosive, devastating creations out there. Put on a pair of sunglasses and blast your way through these ten examples. Good luck!
Tough, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Jul 17 22
kyleisalive editor
Jul 17 22
190 plays
  The Wonderful Weapons of From Software!    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz will test your weapon knowledge on From Software's masterpieces: the "Dark Souls" trilogy, "Demon's Souls", "Bloodborne" and "Elden Ring" for the PS4/5, with "Dark Souls" and "Elden Ring" being for the PC and XBox One/Series X.
Average, 10 Qns, cavalier87, Jul 17 22
cavalier87 gold member
Jul 17 22
79 plays
  Apples, Bells, Cherries    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
It's no shopping list. You can pick up all of these items at your local arcade by popping a coin into a "Pac-Man" machine. Pick up some of the items in this quiz and boost your score if you can! Good luck!
Tough, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Jul 17 22
kyleisalive editor
Jul 17 22
120 plays
  Useful Utilities of From Software Games    
Match Quiz
 15 Qns
Items are an integral aspect of every From Software game. See if you can match the description of an item to its name- this will go through the "Dark Souls" trilogy, "Demon's Souls", "Bloodborne" and "Elden Ring".
Difficult, 15 Qns, cavalier87, Aug 15 22
cavalier87 gold member
Aug 15 22
57 plays
  Video Game Weaponry    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Video game weapons are some of the most creative in history with some guns that never need to be reloaded to guns that shoot lightning. Can you attain a perfect score answering these questions about video game weaponry or are you just shooting blanks?
Tough, 10 Qns, Clyde_the_Hobo, Jul 17 22
Jul 17 22
148 plays
  Video Game Weaponry II    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I suggest you reload and take aim. Here's ten more questions about video game weaponry. Try not to miss.
Tough, 10 Qns, Clyde_the_Hobo, Jul 17 22
Jul 17 22
166 plays

Items & Weapons in Video Games Trivia Questions

1. In "Demon's Souls", the player can earn an addition achievement from defeating Dragon God if they land the finishing blow using a particular fist weapon. What weapon?

From Quiz
Fists of From Software

Answer: Hands of God

The player can either loot this weapon from Tunnel City, or kill Blacksmith Boldwin or Ed to receive it from them. Because the Dragon God will die in one hit after being struck with ballistae, the player does not even need to have the stats to make killing it with the Hands of God fairly easy. Unless you've made a Strength/Faith build, this thing's 19 in Strength and 16 in Faith prerequisites will make it difficult to get the stats for.

2. At the very beginning of Ritual Path of "Demon's Souls", an NPC by the name of Sensei Satsuki will request that the player deliver him a katana. What katana does he ask for?

From Quiz Katanas of From Software

Answer: Magic Sword "Makoto"

The player must be in Pure White World tendency to spawn Satsuki. If in Pure Black, Satsuki will appear as a black phantom, forcing the player to kill him and fail his questline. Either way, the player does not actually have to interact with Satsuki to get the Magic Sword "Makoto". They simply need to allow Patches to kick them into a small ruined area with a black phantom. Killing the phantom will cause it to drop the Magic Sword "Makoto".

3. Only one weapon in all of "Demon's Souls" is capable of afflicting Plague, and it happens to be a dagger. What dagger can do this?

From Quiz Daggers of From Software

Answer: Baby's Nail

The Baby's Nail unfortunately does terrible damage, and its Plague build up is nothing too great. Surprisingly, it is not found at the Swamp of Sorrow. It is dropped by Sage Freke should the player decide to murder him, or they can find one just beyond Fool's Idol's boss room.

4. In "Demon's Souls", there is only one bow capable of dealing elemental damage without the need for elemental ammunition. What bow is it?

From Quiz Bows of From Software

Answer: Lava Bow

The Lava Bow, as the name implies, will deal innate Fire damage in conjunction with the type of ammunition being used. It also has the longest range out of any bow in the game, making it by a million miles the best bow in the game.

5. For the first time ever in the franchise, the 2020 remake of "Demon's Souls" offered a Digital Deluxe optional add-on. If purchased, the player would obtain a myriad of small trinkets and items, one being a sturdy shield. What shield was it?

From Quiz Shields of From Software

Answer: Hoplite Shield

Despite being unupgradeable, the Hoplite Shield has excellent stats for its weight class. Offering full physical absorption, 90% fire absorption and a sturdy 65 in stability, this shield is perfect for players who want some protection but don't want to give up a lot to get it. If, however, the real-world currency price tag on the Digital Deluxe Edition is too steep for one's liking, the shield can alternatively be farmed off of Hoplites which lie just beyond the Phalanx demon's boss room.

6. A running joke amongst the From Software community is "that boss/area/game is so easy, you could do it with a broken sword!" When did the meme worthy Broken Straight Sword debut?

From Quiz Swords of From Software

Answer: Demon's Souls

In "Demon's Souls", the Broken Straight Sword is at its worst. Here, it cannot be upgraded and it has no scaling whatsoever. This means that it is completely incapable of dealing more than 2 points of damage without the use of a buff item or spell. Such a utility is unlikely to get this meagre tool to inflict even double digit damage, and it's the best the weapon will ever be capable of. Unsurprisingly, such a pathetic weapon gave birth to arguably the most well known challenge run in From Software history: the Broken Sword run. Simply put, players challenge themselves to see how far they can get, or if they can go start to finish, using nothing but the Broken Straight Sword.

7. In what game did the Moonlight Greatsword debut?

From Quiz My Guiding Moonlight

Answer: King's Field

Released in December 16th of 1994, this is where the legendary armament was born.

8. Quite the devastating contraption, the Whirligig Saw has made a name for itself as a Trick Weapon. Which game did it appear in?

From Quiz The Wonderful Weapons of From Software!

Answer: Bloodborne

The Whirligig Saw made its debut as a part of the Old Hunters DLC pack in "Bloodborne". Despite its impressive stats and imposing appearance, it has a very modest prerequisite of needing just 18 Strength and 12 Dexterity. Because players typically tend to save the DLC for last in a typical playthrough, this means the weapon will likely be readily accessible should the player desire it.

9. About halfway through "Oni", protagonist Konoko obtains what is arguably the most powerful weapon in the game for the first time. It launches bolts that kill most enemies in a single hit and those that do get back up die seconds later. Why is that?

From Quiz Video Game Weaponry II

Answer: The bolt poisons enemies

The Mercury Bow fires chilled slivers of mercury into enemies. Those that stand back up will die soon after due to mercury poisoning. To balance out the weapon, the Mercury Bow only holds two rounds, causing Konoko to eat up a lot of ammo with repeated uses. This is a weapon best saved for troublesome enemies or bosses.

10. In "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time", Link pulled this blade out of the Pedestal of Time and was sealed in the Chamber of Sages. What blade is it?

From Quiz Edge of Destiny

Answer: Master Sword

One of the many iconic elements of the "Legend of Zelda" series, the Master Sword denoted Link's true standing as the Hero of Time and the savior of Hyrule. In "Ocarina of Time", Link pulls the Master Sword from its pedestal in the Temple of Time and is taken by the sages until he ages seven years to grow into the Hero of Time he was destined to be. When Link pulled the sword from the pedestal, he also accidentally let Ganondorf enter the Sacred Realm to claim the Triforce for his own nefarious purposes. To revert back to his childhood, all Link needed to do was return the sword to its pedestal. The Master Sword also appears in "A Link to the Past", "Wind Waker", and "Twilight Princess" among other games.

11. In this game, the rapid-fire RC-P90, Grenade Launcher, and oodles of Proximity Mines posed for explosive and bullet-riddled times in this N64 title. What was this Rare-made game?

From Quiz Boom Boom Pow

Answer: Goldeneye 007

A classic shooter in many regards, "Goldeneye 007" was awarded Nintendo's 'Game of the Year' in 1997. Depicting the events in the James Bond movie of the same name, the player headed to Russia, Cuba, and other settings to defeat rogue 00-agent Alec Trevelyan. Throughout, newer, bigger guns could be found (including a ride through St. Petersburg in a Tank) in addition to mines and weapons from previous Bond films (like the Moonraker Laser). All of these weapons, however deadly, could be unlocked for multiplayer using unlocked cheats or the "Gameshark". Multiplayer is, perhaps, one of the most rewarding shoot 'em up experiences in N64 history (I recall 'Stacks' with Proximity Mines). It's no surprise the game was remade exclusively for the Nintendo Wii in 2010 with Eurocom heading development.

12. The Hiltless is a powerful katana in "Demon's Souls", but it has an equally powerful drawback- it's a blade without a hilt. What will happen when the player attacks someone with it?

From Quiz Katanas of From Software

Answer: They lose some HP

Every time the Hiltless strikes something which has a health bar and can take damage, the user takes 3% of their max HP in damage. The player will not be punished for destroying destructible pieces of the environment, like barrels, but if they strike a living thing with a health bar, even if the attack is blocked by a greatshield or parried, the user will lose 3% of their max HP.

13. The Parrying Dagger strangely can only be acquired through interacting with one of two NPCs. Who is one of them?

From Quiz Daggers of From Software

Answer: Mephistopheles

At the end of Mephistopheles' questline, she will attack the player and force them to kill her. The player could also just kill her whenever they want. In either scenario, she will drop the Parrying Dagger upon defeat. If the player frees Lord Rydell from the Prison of Hope, there will also be a Parrying Dagger sitting inside his cell.

14. Status weapons are few and far between in "Demon's Souls". One such weapon, capable of inflicting Blood Loss, belongs to the Hammer family. What weapon does this?

From Quiz Hammers of From Software

Answer: Morning Star

The Morning Star has a fairly high Bleed stat, sitting at 100. This is the fifth highest Bleed stat in the entire game. The four weapons sitting above the Morning Star all deal far less base damage than it does, and have poorer general scaling as well. This is part of why the Morning Star is one of the better, more well rounded weapons in the entire game.

15. There is beauty in simplicity, and the iconic Winged Spear that would go on to appear across the "Dark Souls" trilogy and "Elden Ring" after debuting in "Demon's Souls" is representative of this sentiment. What area of the latter can it be found in?

From Quiz Spears of From Software

Answer: World 1 (Gates to Boletaria)

It can be located using two different methods. The first is simply looting it on the ground along the Lord's Path. The player needs to be careful though, as the Winged Spear here lays directly in the line of literal fire courtesy of a hostile dragon overhead. The second is simply farming for the spear off of Penetrator Archstone Soldiers inside the Boletaria Palace. The Winged Spear is iconic for one reason; it is the lengthiest melee weapon in the game, a distinction that it would remain at least tied for across the rest of its existence. This makes it wonderful for greatshield users, as they can attack while raising their shields competently and from a distance. Having a lot of length means any build can make use of it effectively, and over the course of its history, many, many builds of all kinds certainly have done so.

16. Most bosses in "Dark Souls 1" with sliceable tails yield swords as a reward for be-tail-ing them. However, the Dragon King Greataxe is an exception. Which boss' tail must be cut to acquire this weapon?

From Quiz Axes of From Software

Answer: Gaping Dragon

The Dragon King's Greataxe is arguably the best Strength-oriented weapon in the entire game, which is quite a claim to make. It may not scale off of anything, but when two-handed, it gains a special effect. Pressing the charged heavy button while two handing it causes the axe to come slamming down atop its target with a mighty shockwave emanating off of the spot. It deals tons of damage if the axe and shockwave hit, and does fair damage for just the shockwave as well. It is very spammable and powerful, worthy of the 50 Strength the weapon requires of its wielder.

17. The Tower Shield is the heaviest shield in all of "Demon's Souls". How much Strength does it require to wield?

From Quiz Shields of From Software

Answer: 30

The Tower Shield weighs a mighty 30 units, which will also demand extensive attention to the Endurance stat just so the player can move with it in hand. The 30 Strength requirement is unsurprisingly the highest for a shield in the game by far.

18. Land ho! The Rusted Anchor is just what it sounds like-- an old, heavy anchor repurposed into a heavy Great Axe. What game does it appear in?

From Quiz The Wonderful Weapons of From Software!

Answer: Elden Ring

The Rusted Anchor has one of the highest base physical stats (147) in the game and has a relatively reasonable prerequisite of 26 Strength to wield. It has an above average poise stat of 15 as well-- this helps to compensate for its sluggish moveset by enabling the player to have a better chance at basically tanking a hit and continuing with their attack rather than get stunned.

19. What is the name of the famous and rather large sword wielded by Cloud Strife in "Final Fantasy VII"?

From Quiz Edge of Destiny

Answer: Buster Sword

The Buster Sword is excessive but its size is often its most memorable attribute. Used by Cloud in battle, the Buster Sword is the first weapon Cloud uses in the game and while it's not used all throughout (because it's soon replaced time and time again) it does make the most lasting appearance. This particular weapon is also featured prominently in the film adaptation of the game, "Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children". Cloud reappears with the sword in "Kingdom Hearts" and it makes several recurring appearances in later games throughout the series, even if not used as a weapon.

20. "Turok: Dinosaur Hunter" (N64) included a weapon with a blue crystal, the pieces of which needed to be found throughout the game (otherwise you needed to cheat to get it). What was the name of this extremely powerful weapon?

From Quiz Boom Boom Pow

Answer: Chronoscepter

The Chronoscepter is a sharpshooting, catastrophically-overpowered weapon in this N64 title which takes eight pieces to build. If he collects them all, he'll stop the antagonist of the game, the Campaigner, and win. Similarly, in "Turok 2: Seeds of Evil", Turok could find the Nuke Weapon to devastate onscreen baddies. The Choronoscepter could also be used to cut boss battles to bits. A red weapon known as the Fusion Cannon could also be built in the game and used to destroy a larger area of enemies. Say you don't want to play through the game to get this device. Why not type NTHGTHDGDCRTDTRK into the cheat window? This 'big cheat' unlocked all unlockables possible. CMGTSMMGGTS would simply unlock the weapons while BLLTSRRFRND gave unlimited ammo.

21. The Washing Pole in "Dark Souls 1" is tied with the Winged Spear for being the lengthiest melee armament in the game. What NPC can the player purchase this katana from?

From Quiz Katanas of From Software

Answer: Shiva of the East

The Washing Pole unfortunately has horrendous durability, a number of 60 being among the worst in the entire game for melee weapons. Fortunately, Shiva also sells the East Wood Grain Ring, a ring which reduces the rate at which weapons lose durability.

22. In "Dark Souls 1", the player can acquire Priscilla's Dagger. Unsurprisingly, this can be done from fighting Crossbreed Priscilla. What must they do here to get the dagger?

From Quiz Daggers of From Software

Answer: Cut her tail off

Though not a conventional dragon, the "Crossbreed" in her name accurately depicts her as being part-dragon. This means she has a tail, and cutting it will give the player the Priscilla's Dagger.

23. The Moonlight Butterfly Horn of "Dark Souls 1" is a spear with unique properties. It deals absolutely zero physical damage, instead banking it all on an element. What element does the Moonlight Butterfly Horn deal?

From Quiz Spears of From Software

Answer: Magic

Joining the Moonlight Greatsword, these two are the only melee weapons in the entire game that deal zero physical damage. Of course, they both scale exclusively off of Intelligence as well. Given how early the Moonlight Butterfly can be fought, this weapon is a fantastic choice for Intelligence builds. It scales effectively off of Intelligence and has excellent range, so it could very easily become a staple in such a build, used to complete the whole game with.

24. The Darkmoon Bow in "Dark Souls 1" is an enigma. It deals mostly Magic damage, but it has zero scaling off of Intelligence. What does this bow mainly scale off of?

From Quiz Bows of From Software

Answer: Faith

Darkmoon weapons including this bow and the Darkmoon Blade spell are magic weapons that scale predominantly off of Faith. Likewise, Dark Sun Gwyndolin's boss soul is the one used to make the Darkmoon Bow.

25. In "Demon's Souls" the Moonlight Greatsword, or Large Sword of Moonlight, has unique properties that differentiate it from its other iterations across From Software's games. What stat does it primarily scale with here?

From Quiz My Guiding Moonlight

Answer: Faith

This would be the only part of the series where the Moonlight Greatsword does not primarily scale off of Intelligence. Requiring a 24 in Faith but yielding an S scaling, the weapon remains a powerful choice.

26. The Magic Sword: Makoto is a very odd but doubtlessly deadly katana with an extreme bleed rate. Which game does it appear in?

From Quiz The Wonderful Weapons of From Software!

Answer: Demon's Souls

The Magic Sword: Makoto is a bizarre weapon in numerous ways. For one, it has an absolutely astronomical bleed stat of 270, which is almost three times higher than the second highest bleeding weapon, the Meat Cleaver (95). For another, despite numerous prerequisites of 17 Dexterity, 11 Strength and 11 in Faith, the Magic Sword: Makoto has absolutely zero scaling whatsoever, meaning it will be just as effective for a player with the bare minimum stats to wield it as it would a player with 99s in those stats. Finally, the Magic Sword: Makoto imposes a self-bleed on the player which is permanent, necessitating the use of the Adjudicator Shield or quite a lot of Healing resources in order to not die just holding it.

27. What soul-devouring blade is the main enemy in many of the "Soul Calibur" games?

From Quiz Edge of Destiny

Answer: Soul Edge

Soul Edge is an immortal, sentient blade whose powers are often incomparable to the other fighters of the "Soul Calibur" series. Crafted by humans, but desecrated needlessly, the sword took on a life of its own and sided with evil, encompassing those who possessed it with rage and destructive powers. The blade originally appeared in the precursor to "Soul Calibur" (also called "Soul Edge") and reappeared as a final boss in all later games of the series.

28. In the "Halo" (Xbox/Xbox 360) series, the M12A1 Light Anti-Armor Vehicle (a variation of the jeep vehicle known as a 'Warthog') shoots which projectiles?

From Quiz Boom Boom Pow

Answer: Rockets

Clearly to be used against stronger vehicles or larger groups of enemies, the Light Anti-Armor Vehicle (like other Warthogs) can hold three people: one driver, a passenger, and the gunner in back. This Warthog contains what can essentially be called a mounted rocket launcher while other variants include machine guns and gauss cannons. The passenger can throw grenades or shoot, but the vehicle can not. Other vehicles like the Sentinel, Ghost, and Banshee only serve to make the "Halo" series more explosive than need be, but that's one of the reasons it's so addictive!

29. The Dragon Bone Fist of "Dark Souls 1" has stellar S scaling in Strength. It can be forged from a boss soul- whose?

From Quiz Fists of From Software

Answer: Iron Golem

This is one of a select few boss souls which can be turned into multiple alternative rewards, as the player could also decide to turn the Core of an Iron Golem into the Golem Axe. Both weapons are excellent choices, and the Dragon Bone Fist's low requirement of 20 Strength is fairly accessible to just about any build out there as well.

30. The fan favorite Uchigatana can be acquired very early in "Dark Souls 1" from the Undead Male Merchant in Undead Burg. How can the player get it from him?

From Quiz Katanas of From Software

Answer: Kill him

Fortunately, Blacksmith Andre isn't far from the Undead Male Merchant, and he sells most of the same things the latter sells. This makes the Undead Male Merchant expendable, so a player looking to make a Dexterity build and wanting to get off to a good start would be forgiven for this atrocity. If the player would prefer to not be so bloodthirsty, the Uchigatana can be purchased from Shiva of the East.

This is category 24786
Last Updated Mar 08 2025 5:53 AM
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