It was not just China, Japan and South Korea. Paris 2024 also saw a number of smaller Asian nations claim Olympic medals. Take a look at some of the winners and match them up with their sport.
54 African nations competed at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, and 12 of them won medals. Take a look at some of the winners and match them up with their sport.
20 Latin American nations competed at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, and 12 of them won medals. Take a look at some of the winners and match them up with their sport.
Sweden, Norway and Denmark performed well at the 2024 Olympics, winning a total of 28 medals. Take a look at some of the winners and match them up with their sport.
The Dutch team won 34 medals in 10 sports at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Take a look at some of the winners and match them up with their sport.
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