19. What did Sister Anne first teach the kids about in Sunday School?
From Quiz "South Park" - "Do the Handicapped..."
She tried to explain Communion, but the kids were clearly confused:
Sister Anne: "The priest will give you this round cracker, and he will say, 'The Body of Christ,' and then you eat it."
Cartman: "Jesus was made of crackers?"
Sister Anne: "No."
Stan: "But crackers are his body."
Sister Anne: "Yes."
Kenny: "What?!"
Sister Anne: "In the Book of Mark, Jesus distributed bread and said, 'eat this, for it is my body.'"
Cartman: "So we won't go to Hell as long as we eat crackers."
Sister Anne: "Nononono!"
Butters: "Uh well, uh what are we eatin' then?"
Sister Anne: "The Body of Christ!"
Stan: "Nonono, I get it. Jesus wanted us to eat him, but he didn't want us to be cannibals, so he turned himself into crackers, and then told people to eat him."
Sister Anne: "No!"
Stan: "No?"
Butters: "Uh, I can't whistle if I eat too many crackers."
Sister Anne: "Look, all you have to know is that when the priest gives you the cracker, you eat it! Okay?"
Kenny, Stan, Cartman: "O-kay."
Sister Anne: "And then, you will drink a very small amount of wine, for that... is the Blood of Christ."
Cartman: "Aw, come on now, this is just getting silly!"
Sister Anne: "Eric, do you wanna go to Hell?"
Cartman: "No!"
Sister Anne: "Then stop questioning me."